I was thinking it would be grand if the dark red counties in rural Georgia (for example) held back their vote count until Fulton and Dekalb report (2am per the usual). Make the Biden campaign feel like they're winning in Georgia and then unload a million or so rural votes at 2:30am which jolt President Trump into the lead. The dark red counties could simply claim they're rural counties and were having internet issues and that this election was busier than any other election. "It just took a while to count the votes. Get over it."
The Dems would find a way to disqualify them from the count... or count them for the Dems with Dominion machines, made with Chinese parts repackaged into computers mother-boards, in Taiwan.
I think the Georgia SoS and Gov. Kemp would play along. "Look, this was an election like we've never seen before. We had an influx of voters like no other before it. It takes time to count these votes accurately. Don't pay attention to the CNN tracker which showed Donald Trump adding 600,000 votes to his total in 10 seconds."
The Dems are handing out voter registration papers to illegals in states like South Carolina and Texas, so late ballots is not the way to go. We need a deadline when to stop accept ballots... and that is the way to go. If your ballot is in by such and such time it counts all others are too late. Elections are a right, but there are a CONDITIONAL RIGHT. If you fail to vote on time then you have essentially forfeited your right to vote.
I think it's over even before those ballots are even counted. But we know the Dems in cities will do their best to cheat even in Florida. We need to make voter fraud a felony with jail-time... that would put a sting getting caught cheating.
Voter fraud already CAN be a felony. But please show some compassion for those residents of The Villages who are so caught up in the MAGA fever that they cast votes for their dead husbands, wives, or parents. A person who commits or attempts to commit any fraud in connection with voting, votes a fraudulent ballot, or votes more than once in an election can be convicted of a felony of the third degree and fined up to $5,000 and/or imprisoned for up to 5 years. The voter fraud hotline is 1-877-868-3737.
People that do it on their own are amateurs... I'm talking about people committing massive voter fraud, people that work in the system. However, people that are NOT American citizens are another matter all together. They need to be deported after they spend some time in jail.
Do you see this as part of the problem? It's not about what's best for the country, it's about how can we get over on "them." You're not alone on this in terms of sides of the aisle, but honestly, I don't see the upside here. Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
The implication seems to be that he thinks liberals are as stupid as conservatives when it comes to not realizing how vote counting works. You have to think of this as projection.
Did Trump require all "Real Republicans" to offer a show of fealty by voluntarily getting a lobotomy?
You're just describing the entire point of election night coverage to go precint by precint to explain what's been counted, what's still pending, and what the results are likely to be. People with common sense would just recognize that vote counts in deep red counties haven't been released and will skew heavily Republican.
The difference between Biden and Trump is Biden (and his supporters) aren't stupid enough to think they're going to win a state when there are still a lot of votes from opposition counties left to count.
No, I don’t see it as a problem at all. I see it as a way to LMFAO. The GOP should totally do it. It would be hilarious.
I'm sure that the besieged, threatened, overworked and tired poll workers really want to stay up later than they have to for no reason. MAGAt thinking is stunted and limited.