The reality is that an American presidential election is virtually always binary. That being said that there are some voters who are so driven by emotion rather than logic that they will vote third party or stay at home because they do not like either of the majority party candidates. A number of those may regret their decisions when it's too late. I have specifically have in mind supporters of Bernie Sander in 2016 who voted third party or stayed at home because they were pissed off by the way the DNC tried to put in the fix Hillary screwing Bernie in the process. I suspect that with months of Trump taking office in 2017 they regretted their decision. If Trump wins because Arab Americans in Michigan stayed home this November, they may also regret their decision considering that Donald Trump is Benjamin Netanyahu's puppet.
Pat Buchanan butterfly ballots of 2000. I know people who inadvertently voted for him because the ballot was so confusing. Likely won the election for Bush …