That may have been true in the past but not so much now. Most of these countries want nothing to do with Palestinians. Egypt is on the Gaza border and that is just as secure as the Israeli border. Many of these countries are now interested in growing their economies and Israel is an economic dynamo that could help fuel that growth. It is true that many in the population of those countries may support Palestine and Hamas, but the authoritarian governments don’t, but those govts have to walk a line of doing what they want and giving lip service to what their populations want.
Please speak for yourself. No need to add others, you have never met, into the conversation. Care to explain why you think I'm wrong? Or, do you just make snide comments but fail spectacularly to back up your statements, which you have proven to do time and time again. Please explain why Biden wouldn't help Israel if their existence was truly in danger, despite multiple quotes stating Israel has the right to defend herself, and the US backs up this right 100%. Or if you think Hamas actually has the ability to wipe Israel off the map? Or why other Arab countries would jump in, when they haven't now. Or, is all you have is swipes at me, backed up with nothing more than derp derp derp...
I have done so repeatedly to the point of beating a dead horse. Yesterday we agreed agree to disagree, but you just keep bringing up your notions of what is and will always be. I guess I'm the only person taking the time to rebut your wrongheaded statements. BTW, it was you who brought your heritage and your family into the conversation, not me. Don't get all indignant now.
Why would those countries step in now when they haven't for the last several months? Wow, looked up the numbers. Turkey alone has 85 million people. How did you shrink that down to 14 million? If you didn't look it up and got the numbers wrong, you can just say you didn't look it up and got the numbers wrong. You don't have to double down on incorrect statements. Just say you were mistaken and move on.
Wrong. You have stated your opinion, but backed it up with bupkis. I have repeatedly asked questions for which you have avoided a single direct answer. Instead, you just call me stupid. That's not an answer with substance. That's how elementary school kids argue. Here are some simple questions. Ones that I have asked my family too. 1. Does Hamas pose a legitimate threat to Israel's existence? 2. If the answer is no, what would have to happen for Israel to be actually facing an existential crisis? 3. If other countries would have to add their military power for Israel to truly be threatened, why haven't any of them come to Hamas' aid since October? 4. While Biden has stated he won't help Israel target Palestinian civilians, he has stated time and time again he's committed to Israel's defense 100%. Why is this a lie? 5. Hasn't this war between Israel and the Arabs been going on for generations? Why is this time any different than previous wars and skirmishes? My family in Israel is angry, frustrated, and scared. And Bibi is feeding them answers they want to hear. But when we actually discuss, and I force them to answer questions like the above, most have an "oy gevalt" moment and they either end the conversation because they don't want to hear it. Or they do some soul searching. The more pragmatic family members already think like I do. There is no winning the peace, and prolonging the war only creates more opportunities for Hamas to recruit the next generation. And as long as a hardliner like Bibi is in power, peace is impossible.
I think this is a false equivalency. Nobody said that Hamas currently threatens the existence of Israel. But Hamas threatens the peaceful lives of Israelis. Every day. To put your question in perspective, at as I see it: Did Osama Bin Laden pose a legitimate threat to US’s existence? If not, shouldn’t we have done nothing?
@ETGator1 thinks Hamas is a threat to Israel's existence. And like usual, when confronted with difficult questions, he'll drive by negative rate and scurry away without answering. I never said Israel shouldn't respond. Just that total victory over Hamas resulting in a lasting peace through force is impossible. Israel is far superior in military power. But when does this mean victory when the superior military power is fighting against a terrorist group hiding among the civilians? Israel should never let terror attacks against its people go unpunished. But long lasting peace in the region will never be accomplished if both sides hate each other and attack an eye for an eye. And all Israel is accomplishing now is creating more global sympathy for the Palestinians, and helping Hamas recruit the next generation of terrorists.
I can do that. Can you post more and explain what you mean when you say that Israel will win against the numbers (post #87)? I'll hang up and listen.
Then why post as if Israel is fighting for its very existence? And Israel must have a complete victory?
The part where they would jump in now when they haven't jumped in yet. If they want to get involved militarily, why haven't they? If there is something keeping them from stepping in, what is going to change that?
as i mentioned in 98, i was responding to az who speculated the arab world would attack israel for winning the hamas war. he can answer your questions.
Never said that. I said the only danger to Israel would be if the rest of the Arab world joined the fray. Something Hamas was hoping to happen, but didn't. And of it did ever happen, and Israel was in danger, the US would step up to defend Israel.
joe biden and the democratic party and by extension you does not possess the moral clarity to defend and support israel. either you stand with israel or you support hamas. joe biden is antisemitic. you are guilty of the same by association and support of the biden administrations anti-israel policies. actions speak louder than words.
Life isn't black and white. You can support Israel allowing to defend herself while condemning war crimes that Israel had purported to commit. Biden has on several occasions said he completely supports Israel's right to defense. Any proof that he is lying?
his lack of offensive support and his lies calling for congress to approve the aid followed by only providing aid and support to hamas.
Offense and defense are two different words. And Biden has evidence that Israel, during its past and current offensive strikes is committing war crimes. Any proof Biden is providing aid and support to Hamas? Remember, Palestinian civilians are not Hamas. Again, like all stronger military powers fighting against guerilla terrorists embedded in the civilian population, Israel will not be able achieve a complete military victory. And there's even less chance Palestine will live peacefully under Israel rule. All Israel is doing now is helping Hamas recruit the next generation of terrorists. This doesn't mean Israel shouldn't respond to Hamas or other terror attacks. They need to. And Biden has been steadfast in his support of Israel defense. But Israel strikes where there's evidence of war crimes? Not with our weapons. And it's a classic example of an eye for an eye that will eventually leave both sides blind.
for the first time in us history, antisematism is us official policy. as i stated previously, people who support this anti-israel policy lack moral capacity.