Maybe not, but this is a good story nonetheless. A GOP Texas school board member campaigned against schools indoctrinating kids. Then she read the curriculum.
Wow, So much evidence that libbies aren’t indoctrinating our youth. Next you’re going to tell me Biden can do 10 pushups and he never falls off his bicycle.
I don’t understand why so many conservatives are fighting to save schools when you can just homeschool with arguably better results.
According to one resident poster, being forced to homeschool or hybrid learn for just one year caused generational harm. I can only imagine the irrevocable knowledge destruction and mental anguish that could come from 12 years of it.
Weve done all forms of educating our kids. Home, traditional, hybrid. The issue with covid was people unprepared and untrained to educate. That is also an issue in the homeschool community. My wife had a decade of teaching experience before she took on the challenge. Not saying everyone has to, but it sure helps to know what you are doing. In fairness during covid many did not and could not.
Coming from you? Ha. In case you missed it, most won’t tangle with you because you’re always on the one way libbie train.
I'd suggest that, given our past interactions where you got mad about data, that you won't engage because I challenge your narratives in a way that makes you uncomfortable. For example, here is some data on college courses based on syllabi and book selection. Study casts doubt on ‘wokeness’ of US university courses Can you point out how my source is biased, please?
Agreeing with you because, considering how triggered you get about transgenders in each new thread (i.e., anecdote) on that topic, you do love them. You may need to specify, though, because I'd wager that you love anecdotes that reinforce your beliefs and prejudices, but that you don't actually love the ones that contradict.
From the piece: Gore’s open defiance of far-right GOP orthodoxy represents an unusual sign of independence in a state and in a party that experts say increasingly punish those deemed disloyal. It particularly stands out at a time when Republican leaders are publicly attacking elected officials who do not support direct funding to private schools. “With the presence of Donald Trump, fealty to cause has amplified, so this kind of action is much more meaningful and much more visible than it was a decade ago” Then there's the matter of book-banning: Administrators pulled 130 library books from the shelves after Matt Krause, a Republican representative from Fort Worth, published a list of 850 titles that he said touched on themes of sexual orientation and race. At the time, ProPublica, The Texas Tribune and NBC News obtained audio of the district’s superintendent, Jeremy Glenn, making clear to librarians that he had concerns about books with LGBTQ themes, including those that did not contain descriptions of sex. After the reporting, the Department of Education opened a civil rights investigation, which is ongoing, into whether the district violated federal laws that prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender. A volunteer review committee of parents and district employees eventually recommended returning nearly all of the books to the shelves. This is quite concerning and coming from the supposedly upper moral ground. This whack-nut showed up to the school board with a gun making threats: During the meeting, Cliff Criswell, the grandfather of Nate Criswell, took the microphone, carrying what police would later describe as a black handgun in a leather holster. He accused board members of allowing pornography in school libraries and of trying to “rip apart” Graft, whom he had previously described as “the only conservative on the board.” “We have profile sheets” on all the trustees except for Graft, Cliff Criswell shouted. “We know what you do. We know where you live.” I've said many times that the indoctrination claims are empty. I'm increasingly becoming convinced that they are a matter of projection.