This translated by MEMRI written by a Palestinian: Palestinian Columnist In Qatari Daily: We Do Not Want A Ceasefire But Ongoing War; October 7 Put The Palestinian Cause Back On The World's Agenda | MEMRI How many here think this does not represent the people and mind of Palestinians? "O heroes of the resistance in Gaza, thank you. You showed the whole world how honor takes precedence to life, how faith stands fast in the face of weapons, how blood triumphs over pain and how the free believer stands tall in the face of the bullet. You proved with your resistance that peoples who surrender have never been safe and have no future, whereas peoples who fight for their freedom and honor will surely achieve their destination someday... "O people of Gaza, history has never seen a people braver than you, more patient than you [in the pursuit of] the truth, or more generous in sacrificing for the sake of Allah. O our people in Gaza, despite the martyrs and wounded, you are the springboard of the hoped-for national future of the Arabs and Muslims… No matter how deep the wound, we will continue to resist, because this enemy understands only the language of force. Even if Palestine sacrifices millions of martyrs and wounded, we will continue to resist. We do not want a ceasefire, we want ongoing war. Victory is at hand… " There will never be peace should this represent the people of Gaza. I think it accurately does reflect the Palestinians. Finish the war on your terms Israel.
I doubt that many, if any, of us here know what's in the minds of most Palestinians. But some of us do not pretend to know.
This is from 4 years ago. You don't have to remain blind unless by choice: Palestinians: If Israel left the West Bank and Gaza, would there be peace with Israel? ( Exposing the hearts and minds of Palestinians is as relevant and true today as it was 4 years ago. Nothing has changed except the desire for war which has been strengthened by Biden's historic actions of non-support for Israel.