Well at least you are honest. You clearly have no clue about a cops day to day dealings with the public. Good luck up there in your safety tower…but be careful when you come down with the rest of us. Pssst….there actually are lots of crazy assholes who never got an education…and guess what, you don’t have to go visit them in the ghettos.
With cops its more than that. Violence is the nature of their work, restraint and restriction is both counter to the work itself ("the criminals dont have rules"), and will lead to resentment of its imposition by those that would make them accountable. The idea of policing itself leads to these problems.
Oh, are you still pounding the mean streets? Anyways, it appears you sort of tacitly agree with me too. My safety isnt dependent on cops, the violence is directed toward the marginal where they've been contained and confined, reinforcing the outcomes of an unequal society. I'm not going there, they aren't coming here.
Fair, although culture and law are supposed to restrain those impulses. David French made a solid point that he saw more discipline as a JAG in Iraq in the face of an insurgency than US police seem to exhibit in the face of perceived danger. Obviously the military is not perfect, but training and systems of accountability can make a difference. Also with police, never discount the impact of roid rage. A lot of systemic abuse of drugs that foster aggression and suppress impulse control.
I'm not sure what you are talking about. I don't have to have power over anyone, nor try to exert it. It doesn’t bother me that cops are often assholes…some people deserve what they ask for though. I know that cops being assholes doesn't bother you. This whole board knows that. That is only a one-way street for you, though. Cops being assholes get a pass while civilians being assholes must be delt with and whatever that punishment is must be deserving, because one is a cop and the other is not. They obviously deserved whatever they got. You do not seem capable of understanding how difficult a cops job can be. That’s something you ought to look into. Cops can have a difficult job. So do roofers, but that is not a pass for them to behave like some cops do with almost no consequences. Just because a cop has a difficult job and someone was an asshole to them, doesn't mean they get to, say for instance, purposefully give them a rough ride, unrestrained, in the back of police van. That can and does paralyze people. But hey, they have a difficult job. That wouldn't stop you from BuYiNg A cOfFeE for the guy that was driving the van. Be polite, obey the law and go back to your normal miserable life. It’s not that hard. I am polite to officers. I don't cuss them or give them the finger, even though that is my right and an officer of ordinary firmness should just let it go. Lol, miserable life.. You pulled that one out of your ass, probably along with a billy club, a mace canister, and a flashlight.
I think the same sort of things apply in the military too, also violent work. Maybe French took the job seriously, but there were guys like DeSantis who were there to tell people how much crime or torture they could commit without it being a problem. The same resentment builds, that troops are being restrained by ROE, unable to complete their mission ("defeating the enemy"). Ends up with Trump pardoning war criminals. There will always be a dialectic between accountability and permissiveness, that wont be resolved as they are contradictory and subject to political forces. As long as the objectives are "end crime" or "defeat the enemy" by violence, these problems will persist.
Is it your opinion that one cannot treat another with respect without walking on eggshells? Being respectful isn't something you do to avoid punishment; it's a common courtesy that you extend to another human being based on how you would prefer to be treated. If they don't extend the same courtesy back, you have two choices: (1) take the moral high ground, or (2) let them drag you into the mud. Sometimes it's hard, of course, but what is the upside of choosing the 2nd path...because it is a choice. And it doesn't matter if it's the police officer or a judge, or a mechanic, or someone making a sandwich in line for you, someone at the tax collector's office, someone at a social security office, a repair man you schedule to come to your home...you're bound to come across people that have an inappropriate attitude. Sometimes it's worth taking a pause to consider what the upside is to the action that I'm about to take. Maybe take a pause to consider that everybody has a bad day at work, maybe showing a little kindness back helps the other person get through whatever they are going for. The older I get, the more I realize that a lot of people have a lot weighing on their minds...it impacts their daily routine. Show them a little love rather than being vindictive. I would say the same thing to the police officer, for what it's worth. I'm guessing you don't have kids. I see this situation as something that I want to help my kid navigate through. In the moment of the incident, you want to teach your children not to do anything that adds to the inconvenience of the stop. It's really that simple. If you still feel your rights have been violated, pursue that without having to stoop down to the other's moral level. I don't see your first statement as an either or; both can be true. Don't act like a jerk, and work to change the system. Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
When most people complain about the nature of their job (or almost any other job) here the response is usually "get a different job" not "take it out on other people."
How in the world does "Get your ass out of the way" do any good? Rein in egotistical tyrants, or fight the system in any way?
Agree 100%. But the problem is not the % of “bad apples”, but the culture of permissive cover up. This. x1000. Every occupation is going to contain assholes. That occupation contains not only assholes, but sick and sadistic people that get off on hurting others, and they get a pass for it more often than not. No job in America can you get away with what you can do as a cop. Most people would be a lot less critical of them if there were more..... ACCOUNTABILITY.
I think it is easy for us as a society to keep the poor and weak poor and weak, sending people to do that work for us. If its easy to be a criminal, then its easy to be a cop. Two sides of the same coin, and I dont see people giving criminals credit for having it so hard, quite the opposite. Dont mistake risk taking for having it "hard." Lots of people enjoy the risk after all, it draws them to the work.
I want everyone to live a peaceful, satisfying life. In the end…it’s good for me if people are happy. You give off a vibe that you despise authority. People who feel this way are often confused with the order/nature of society. I don’t understand why some resist it…but hopefully it works out for ya.
Tying in with your first post, so just take it and then complain later? In a normal world, that would make sense. If you have 5 or 10 minutes, give this a watch. Do you see the issues with the police controlling the complaint forms, controlling the review process, controlling what meritd a violation, and controlling the punishment of the same people you are complaining about?
You just see cops as unnecessary and we’ll never agree there. Some people just suck and perpetually will suck and be a drain on society. Maybe blame it on the wars…when women had fewer options for men. Women who wanted a family had to sacrifice finding a good man for whoever was available. Some of the men available were dirtbags with no redeemable values whatsoever. Those genes are still out there and seemingly are the ones you seem to think can be rehabilitated. You’re an eternal optimist lol!
It's occurred to me that we're mostly just talking past one another. Some are focused on what the driver could have done differently. Some are focused on what the police officer could have done differently. Some are focused on what the judge could have done differently. Our personal biases lead us to determine where we are putting our emphasis. Still we should note that emphasizing one doesn't mean neglecting either of the others. I've experienced aggressive police officers before; I can't imagine doing anything more productive than checking my ego (which is what I did in each case). In each case, whether or not I felt like what I did warranted the received level of aggression, I was technically in violation in each and all circumstances. The most minor thing I've ever been pulled over for is having one tag light out. It was a brand new police officer, probably just trying to get his feet wet on going through the motions of pulling somebody over. Only one time did I feel the matter rose to the level of filing a formal complaint. I did it, and I was thoroughly impressed with how it was handled including the time that was actually spent with multiple people sitting down and talking with me. Again, it was a relatively new police officer that just made mistakes/assumptions. I've long forgiven him even as he never issued me a letter expressing his sorrow. Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
Actually I think they understand it quite well, probably better than most. Its also part of our culture as Americans. Conservativism in 2024 wouldnt exist if you all didnt think it was some kind of FU to the liberals who you think run society and are trying to control you and make your kids gay or whatever.
Judges are doing things in court-rooms that are VERY un-Constitutional all over our country (especially in New York) and with far more devastating consequences. So maybe look around the country and rethink the importance of this little judge demanding an apology. This is a NOTHING-BURGER in the grand scheme of overreach by a judge.
I see them as necessary to maintain the present order and outcomes of a society that I think is grossly unequal, decaying and rotten to the core. I just think we should do something about that, other people just dont want to see rampant homelessness to kill their vibe at brunch. I believe in a better world, a better country, maybe you dont, that's ok. That's why you are the way you are.
That would bother me MUCH more than a police officer standing in front of my car asking me to go around. That wouldn't intimidate me at all and would lead to much more involvement of follow-up. But I still wouldn't be disrespectful. Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS