How the hell is expanding UF's footprint bad??? UF has branch presence throughout the state through its IFAS program. It's GREAT marketing for UF, and carries not a lick of downside. Worth noting: IFAS is one of UF's signature stand out programs with world wide recognition and respect. As for the main campus at Gainesville-it loses nothing, and it's hardly suffering from anything resembling "neglect." Hell, I can barely recognize the campus anymore with all the construction and renovation they've done over the last 30 years. This is good news. Geezzz...
But they shouldn't. Or UF should start getting serious money so we can have a school of music that competes with FSU If we are going to have a state university system, we should have a state university system. If it is just going to be every campus for itself, then we may as well flex and do everything bigger. But we have a state university system, and all the parts of it should be working together for the benefit of the state. UNF is the SUS entity for Jacksonville, anything done in Jacksonville should be done through UNF.
UF Health Jacksonville - University of Florida Health ^^^ahhhh!!! Look what happened the last time UF ventured into Jacksonville! This must be stopped!!!!
Perhaps they lack the resources to accomplish that which UF will in Jax. This isn't like a regional campus (i.e. a "complete" university) of the University of FL setting up shop in Jax. It's a campus for specialized graduate programs.
Sounds like Sasse silently keeps wining and the left here hates it. Seriously as I respect your opinion and watching the responses. You might be right that he fails on this one. But so far so good with Sasse.
From what I hear from my kids, it's the fall-back school you apply to in case you don't get accepted anywhere else.
It is job training set up for FinTech or the Fin-side of health care. Not a bad idea....for the companies that need trained workers, but not really the charter of a university or how state tax payer dollars should be deployed. Blue Cross Blue Shield should pay to train their own financial experts.
I think it's silly as a UF employee to worry about his politics any longer. He's the president - we all should be rooting for him. A rising tide lifts all boats. But this idea of silently winning - that's crap for a couple of reasons: A - he hasn't been that silent. You don't go on CNN and then get to be called "silent". He made a promise to be apolitical and he's mostly broken that. B - as president, silent winning isn't winning. We need him to win and we need people to see UF winning. That's actually his job - to be out there promoting the university. Not silent. Can't lead from the back... I think a fair assessment at this point is he is underachieving. There is no strategic plan, no direction, and no vision. The whole university is on pins and needles, and just reacting when he asks for something. That is not a recipe for long term success by any definition of organizational leadership. The one area where his leadership has been solid, IMO, is political. The state is giving UF so many resources and so much support right now, and he deserves credit for that.
He should have never been president. I complained a lot when it was rumored he was on the short list. He is sizing up a political position, that's why he chimes in on some of these issues. Wouldn't surprise me to see him run for Florida senator or governor at some point. Nebraska wasn't big enough for him.
The whole of higher education in this country is weathering a storm over the last few years, from covid through woke stupidity, to celebrating a particular terrorist organization on campuses nation wide, with the worst of it, taking its toll on the highest ranked and most prestigious schools in the country. President Sasse has done an extraordinary job of keeping UF on course, and on its ever skyward trajectory, exactly by NOT getting political. Sadly, you, along with half the TDS inflicted nation, think not being radically leftist, is being "political." "Political" is what has dude's competing agsinst women, in *WOMEN'S* sports; politicians incapable of defining women; incapable of owning the biological FACT the men cannot get pregnant; disregarding merits for identity politics; celebrating Hamas, a terrorist organization, fostering antisemitism, and enabling bullying against Jews on various campii throughout the nation, etc, ad naseum... Perhaps YOU should reevaluate YOUR metrics against which you pass judgment over our pres.
You sound unhinged. Tell me - What the hell do you know about any of it? Where have you been getting your information about higher education? Do you have a lot of experience as an administrator or faculty in higher ed? Or are you just another walking meat sack with a degree from 2 decades ago that thinks he knows everything because he read a few right wing rags, watched some youtube, and took classes once?
It’s hilarious. People on the outside of Uf just rooting for him because he has an R after his name when he worked as a senator and took a few political stands that republicans find fashionable. Then you call me biased and I need to reevaluate lol. Can you even comment on anything he’s actually done inside the institution related to research or academics? I’ll hang up and wait…
What's hilarious--no, actually pathetic and ridiculous--is ppl like you, rooting AGAINST him, bc he has a R after his name, in his PRIOR position. Like pissing yourselves over UF opening a grad school branch in Jacksonville--like it's a bad thing, or like nothing like it has ever been done before. TBL--YOU sir, are THE political hack here. You are projecting your own foolishness, and looking every bit the fool, in the process.
where did I say I’m rooting against him? Check again genius. I said a rising tide lifts all boats. I’m rooting for him. Jfc. I also didn’t say anything bad about jax other than the lift is hard - I’ve actually done some work supporting that initiative. So way to go making yourself look ignorant once again.
More evidence for my theory that universities are essentially real estate scams that do some teaching on the side