Sasse has a comment in the Wall Street Journal. I looked and couldn’t find it. Would someone with a scrip look it up and comment? Apparently the comments are positive with a few being negative. Thanks in advance
He had an Op Ed piece published on May 3rd. Personally, I thought it was well written. It was tough to pick 4 paragraphs but here are the 3 main talking points below.
Don’t want to hijack this thread and not sure why Trump is even involved in this discussion but my OP clearly said I don’t support Trump and I also added a lot of other fellow Republicans I know don’t either. But the dilemma is with Joe Biden being 81 and clearly losing it more and more (and with an unqualified VP who has done basically nothing thus far) who the heck do we vote for?
Not the traitor who stole state secrets and attempted to overthrow the elected gubmnt, still won't acknowledge the election results, and isn't supported by the large majority of the people who worked for him from his VP to his Sec of Defense (2). That's a no brainer. At least Biden has qualified grown ups in his admin. to try to get things done
It's interesting how many Liberals suddenly like Ben Sasse. It wasn't too long ago they were livid about this new University presidential hire. I wonder what changed their minds about him?
Liberals like it when unruly elements are subdued, they can get back to brunch and the feeling that the "adults are in charge." They get mad when the favor isnt returned against MAGA chuds.
I acquiesce... I mean I loved how fast Sasse got rid of all the DEI racists at the university of Florida... well before any other university in the state of Florida did.
If Sasse means what he says and backs it up, his academic mission here is far more important than any athletic success.
Sasse really pleased his audience with this line. Any parent who has endured a 2-year-old’s tantrum gets this. You can’t say, “Don’t make me come up there” if you aren’t willing to walk up the stairs and enforce the rules. You don’t make a threat until you’ve decided to follow through if necessary. In the same way, universities make things worse with halfhearted appeals to abide by existing policies and then immediately negotiating with 20-year-old toddlers. You know what enforces the rules against 2 year olds up to 20, even if a whole family? Bombing them or starving them. I'm sure Sasse could care less
Somebody should ask Sasse if he plans to suspend and trespass from campus for three years every student UF catches littering, sleeping on a campus plaza, setting up a portable chair, or not manning a sign going forward. If the answer isn't yes (and I guarantee you the answer isn't yes), he's full of it. And I'll say again, save the political theater bullshit for your career in politics. Insulting the students you're supposed to oversee is shitty, unprofessional behavior.
Ben Sasse's version of good parenting is constantly changing the rules for your kid so you can ground them.
They way he didn't even think about putting those DEI employee haters in other job positions like many other universities in the state of Florida have been doing... He straight up fired them.. I love it. And the Dems suddenly like Sasse? LMFAO! The Dems... a contradiction in political principles you can count on.
lol You know a student will be asked to stop before any enforcement. If he was a democrat you would be kissing his sasse.