The only time that any significant percentage of immigrants were from prisons and mental institutions were those who came to the US from Cuba in the Mariel Boatlift in 1980 and even then well under 15% of the 125,000 or so immigrants from Cuba were former prisoners or mental patients and among those were Cuban political prisoners who were imprisoned or sent to mental institutions because they opposed the Castro government.
At the time of the rape and beating of the Central Park jogger DNA evidence wasn't as much of a thing as it is today (per the article) Also from the article: "Of more than three dozen hoodlums brought in for questioning, only 10 were charged with any crimes, and only five of those were charged with raping the jogger. All those charged with the jogger's rape gave detailed, corroborated, videotaped confessions, after full Miranda warnings, four of the five in the presence of an adult relative." What You Won’t Read In The Papers About The ‘central Park Five’ - Ann Coulter
Okay? Basic logic fail when posting an article about what happened in the 2000s to determine that those people didn't commit the crime and somebody else did.
"Shithole country" isn't a racist statement? It was rather clear that when Trump used the phrase he was referring to 3rd world countries with majority populations of people of color. It should be noted one of the times he said that he wanted to restrict immigration from s***hole countries he was fine with immigration from countries like Norway (an overwhelmingly white European country).
Sadly false confessions do occur and they are not that unusual. It should not be that surprising that suspects not represented by an attorney would confess to a crime that they didn't commit after hours of stressful questioning and manipulation by skilled interrogators. The Psychology of False Confessions According to the National Registry of Exonerations, there have been over 2,500 exonerations since 1989, representing more than 23,950 years that innocent Americans spent in prison. Surprisingly, approximately 12% of these defendants had falsely confessed to committing the crime. This indicates not only that false confessions happen, but that hundreds of people have falsely confessed to crimes that they did not commit. Why Do People Make False Confessions? - Mary Beth Harrell Law Firm Statistics on false confessions Police-induced confessions are one of the leading causes of wrongful convictions in the United States. The advocacy group offers a host of statistics: False confessions appear primarily in high-profile crimes, like homicides and felonies Over two-thirds of DNA-cleared homicide cases from the Innocence Project were caused by false confessions 92% of false confessors are men 18 of the 258 people exonerated by DNA served time on death row False confessions are the leading cause of wrongful convictions for homicide 63% of false confessors are under the age of 25 What would make an innocent person confess to a crime they did not commit? Causes of false confessions The Innocence Project points out that many false confessions occur during custodial interrogations. According to their research, some of the factors that lead to people making false confessions include: Intimidation from police, real or perceived Use of force during interrogation, or perceived threat of force Compromised reasoning ability of suspect (exhaustion, stress, hunger, substance abuse, limited mental capacity, or limited education) Juveniles who do not understand their rights Juveniles attempting to please authority figures “Devious interrogation techniques” like false or leading statements about incriminating evidence against the suspect Suspect’s belief that confession will lead to a lesser punishment Edit: Regarding the rating of "Funny" and maybe it's just me but I fail to see the humor in five teens being falsely convicted of a crime they didn't commit based on obviously coerced confessions. Sadly there is a long history in this country of innocent people being convicted of crimes they didn't commit based on coerced confessions and the majority of them are teens.
What do you consider a large percentage. Yes, I think anybody a bit of common sense can see we have a lot of mental ill and crooks that are illegal immigrants that are here now and are still coming. Lol you and others wanting proof. As soon as we post proof of this many of our local libbies on this site get their panties in a wad and call me and others racist posting about brown people their words not mine. First of all, 100% the immigrants are crook that enter our country illegall. I don't know how many are mental, but any amount is too much. We have our own issues, and we can't and haven't even come close to solving them.
Come on. A few examples in a country of more than 300 million do not show some major trend. Anymore than the folks here who post examples of crimes by police, Republicans or ministers prove that those people are out of control too.
So no actual evidence that you can provide? Weird how you don't mind that racist fake-tanned guy just telling absolute lies. Weirder still that you choose to parrot them.
So, like the campaign of the fake-tanned racist liar, you also can provide no evidence of countries deliberately sending criminals and the mentally impaired to the US? If you have no evidence of this, then aren't you just spreading lies? Why would you knowingly lie?
Anecdotes of immigrant crime stories do not prove immigrants cause crime rates to rise. Single, one-off stories don't tell what percentage of the population is immigrant, what percentage of crime is attributed to them, or show a correlation that as immigrant population increases, so does crime rate. The immigrant crime anecdotal evidence only shows immigrant crime rates are greater than zero. Which everyone accepts as true. There are some bad apples among the undocumented immigrant population. When you look at the actual data that tells the full story, immigrants, both legal and undocumented, commit less crime. This is backed by the recent data that crime rates across the country are falling, even though more undocumented arrive daily. Now, if you think the studies are all wrong, try doing some math yourself. There are about 11 million undocumented in the US, or about 3.3% of the population of 330 million. Are undocumented immigrants causing at least 3.3% of the crimes in the US? The FBI estimates 45 people a day in the US are murdered. By my math, 3.3% would mean about 1.5 of them would have to be committed by undocumented immigrants to match the overall rate. Is there any proof anywhere that 10 murders a week, or over 500 a year in the US are committed by undocumented immigrants? If this proof exists, I'd like to see it. If not, then I'll go with the multiple studies that show immigrants commit less crime.
VAG8r1, AzCatFan andr Potato should read this article and they won't think the Central Park 5 are innocent. Case closed: Ann Coulter: The Central Park 5: the Secret Files Ann Coulter: Central Park Five: The secret files
So your argument is that they raped her but didn't leave DNA but the other guy didn't rape her but did? Careful, you are getting into territory where you will start losing your beets, Steve bunch of numbers.
it's unfortunate that so many discussions go like this: 1. Poster makes claim 2. Poster is asked for evidence that his claim is true 3. Poster responds: "Look it up yourself. I'm not going to do your research for you."
Don't forget, in this case and many others, other posters cite sources that the claim from the OP is false.
We going to just ignore how Europeans violently invaded and colonized Africa, the Americas, the Caribbean, India, Australia, and much of Asia? Look, no shade to my non-melanated homies… y’all are my guys, too. It’s just that I disagree with this rhetoric that caucasian Europeans are somehow intrinsically less violent, less criminal, or less likely to replace the indigenous population with their own race. History has shown otherwise.
I've become convinced it's a strategy to waste others' time. I try to maintain proper civility, but I find it challenging to view others' embrace of falsehoods as just different opinions that are worthy of respect.
I have a different theory. People like the OP have a prejudice against certain persons. It explains the belief in Replacement Theory as well as the belief in Trump when he says these people are bringing crime with them from their home countries. The reality is, the immigrants coming here are escaping crime. It's the last thing they want to bring with them. And the last thing they want is to commit a crime here, and risk being caught and deported back home. It's why study after study shows immigrants commit less crime than citizens. But posters like the OP can't admit they are wrong. It would mean closely examining their prejudice, and worse, admitting they fell for a con man in Trump. And to borrow a phrase, these people are all in pot committed to Trump, and would rather lose it all than admit they were fooled. It's why actual facts are meaningless to them. And why they make up their own, and/or employ wild conspiracy theories when the facts are too great to ignore.
So if a Central Park 5 defendant says he didn't rape the jogger he just held her legs down while others raped her you think the leg holder is innocent and deserves aulti-milliom dollar payoff? If you hold her legs down that makes you guilty of rape. One defendant volunteered that the scratch on his face came from the white gale jogger. Another defendant said he didn't rape her he just grabbed her t@tz one defendant said he had no idea the jogger bled souch because it had been so dark the night before (if I'm remembering correctly).. As far as DNA evidence goes, the Central Park 5 defense lawyers wanted it excluded. At that time there were scientific doubts about it (they said). At the time of the Central Path rapes muck larger samples of DNA were necessary to draw conclusions. These animals were convicted by all sorts of evidence andulticultural juries found the guilty. When these guilty animals were released why did the anti-Christian cultureanhattam DA Robert Morgenthau order the cops not to interview/interrogate iates who served time with the Central Park 5? Because they talked a lot in jail? Reyes confessed to raping the jogger but one of his fellow inmates said he told her m he didn't rape her until the Central Park 5 were done with her. .