You need some remedial help. Here's Webster's Dictionary definition of racism. Note definition #2: the systemic oppression of a racial group to the social, economic, and political advantage of another By denying to rent apartments to African Americans based solely on the color of their skin, Trump was twice sued for oppressing a racial group (African Americans) for the advantage of other groups. Now look at definition #1: a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race Now note definition #3: a political or social system founded on racism and designed to execute its principles Quoting Hitler's, "poisoning the blood" implies non white races immigrating to the US are inferior, and Trump is going to use the political system to keep the US, and by extension, the white race, pure from the poison. Any questions? Or can I dismiss the remedial, middle school lesson yet?
This terrible racist you guys keep calling out has over the past 50 years or so been photographed dining or meeting with many many black athletes, actors, musicians, politicians, civil rights leaders and others. Everybody in all of those photos look happy and enjoying themselves. You really have to stretch the truth to make any of Trumps statements racist. Meanwhile folks on this site are quick to pardon Joe Biden for a lifetime of showing his true racism but I guess that is (D)ifferent.
LOL. Photo ops, huh? You scurried away when I provided the actual racist comments he's repeatedly made. Why? I'll bring it back for ya :
Trump may be a whole of lot of dumb ass things. But he isn’t a racist. That’s your boy bigot ass Biden.
Wait, Biden has been photographed with numerous black people. You claimed that is evidence that somebody isn't racist. Now it isn't evidence of that? Or is it only evidence when you support the guy who tried to stop black people from renting apartments, counting his money, etc.?
It might help if you were to listen to what Trump is saying. When he says they are poisoning the blood of our country he is talking about the scum that is coming in from prisons and mental institutions he even says they are coming from all over the world....How is that racist? Like I said you are just letting the press twist what he says. Meanwhile when interpreting what Biden says they ignore the racist stuff he says. Wouldn't you say when Biden lies about being arrested or detained in all these civil rights marches he is using race to try to influence people? Wouldn't you say that is racist as hell? Come on wake up man.
LOL. Ya, so he includes an incoherent lie about fake people coming from mental institutions. It's still a racist lie. Come on wake up man. “They let — I think the real number is 15, 16 million people into our country. When they do that, we got a lot of work to do. They’re poisoning the blood of our country,” Trump told the crowd at a rally in New Hampshire. “That’s what they’ve done. They poison mental institutions and prisons all over the world, not just in South America, not just to three or four countries that we think about, but all over the world. They’re coming into our country from Africa, from Asia, all over the world.”
Sad the lies that you are willing to believe. Just really, really sad. Trump’s campaign was unable to provide any evidence of the existence of a news story about a no-longer-busy doctor at a South American mental institution – and the campaign also failed to provide any evidence that South American countries are emptying mental health facilities to somehow send patients into the US. Representatives for two anti-immigration organizations told us they had not heard of anything that would corroborate any of Trump’s story, as did three experts at organizations favorable toward immigration. CNN’s own search did not produce any evidence. “I cannot prove this is false, but I follow migration in Latin America and the Caribbean quite closely and have never ever heard anything like this related to current migration from the region,” Andrew Selee, president of the Migration Policy Institute, told us via email. “I have never heard any credible claims that any country has been emptying its prisons or mental hospitals so that those released can migrate to the United States.” Adam Isacson, director for defense oversight at the Washington Office on Latin America, said he’s similarly stumped. “It’s hard to prove a negative — nobody’s writing a report saying ‘Ecuador is not opening its mental institutions’ — but what I can say is that I work full-time on migration, am on many coalition mailing lists, correspond constantly with partners in the region, and scan 300+ RSS feeds and Twitter lists of press outlets and activists region wide, and I have not seen a single report indicating that this is happening,” Isacson told us via email. “As far as I can tell, it’s a total fabrication,” Isacson added. FactChecking Trump's Rally, Fox Interview -
Trump can't be racist because there are pics with him and black people! Lol! Then Biden can't be racist then because he had a black boss for 8 years, right? Biden has a racist past. Some really bad quotes from the 80s regarding a crime bill. But Trump has a racist past too. Again, twice sued for refusing to rent to African Americans. How is that not racist? And sorry, you directly quote from Hitler's manifesto about people of color poisoning the blood of your country, you're going to be called racist. Because that's exactly what the statement is.
the problem is there is no evidence that this has ever happened, apart from Castro in 1980, and even they was a small percent. Fact check: Trump’s own campaign can’t find proof for his ‘mental institutions’ immigration story | CNN Politics It stands to reason that most mentally ill people aren’t going to have the stamina and perseverance to make the long journeys that many of these immigrants make. If nothing else, the fact that these immigrants make these long and sometimes difficult journeys in and of itself shows they are more likely more motivated than the average person. Also, after making such a journey at great risk and cost, and with the threat of arrest and deportation, they are more motivated than the average person to keep their nose clean.
Unsurprising - it's not hard for reasonably informed people to know, or at least look up, basic facts. With our new reality of so many people believing that they either get to make up their own facts, or accept them from a lying con man......this board can feel like it's arguing against stumps. I've at least been able to do a good job of extricating myself from arguing with these factless people. But I can't bring myself to have any respect whatsoever for people who are so content to......know absolutely nothing.
It is amazing to me how Trump can say something and they just believe it. No questions asked. I don’t know if it is because he said it and they believe it, or if he says it, then the entire echo chamber repeats it and they believe that.
C'mon .... you can't expect the TDS-infected progressive to be honest and objective. It's best just to flush those folks as there is no value in what they assert.
Trump rants about immigrants do not have to have any basis in fact. Sadly members of the Cult of the Donald take what he says at face value and his political enables are glad to jump on the train. Some of Trump's other false narratives regarding immigration are that illegals are responsible for smuggling fentanyl into the US when in fact the overwhelming majority of illicit drugs including fentanyl smuggled into the US is hidden in legal freight and enters at legal ports of entry and let's not forget his really big lie that illegal immigrants are responsible for a large increase in the violent crime rate when the data indicates that immigrants including illegals are less likely to commit crimes than native born Americans but that really doesn't matter since Trump and the boys can always finds some examples albeit relatively rare of violent crimes committed by illegal immigrants or applicants for asylum.
is there any evidence at all that a 'big percentage' of people coming to our country are from prisons and mental institutions?
It also stands to reason that this has always been an authoritarian fever dream and has been implanted into susceptible minds via new tech by Leo for decades now.
The Central Park 5 did behave like "animals." They deserved every bit of the time they spent in jail imo What You Won’t Read In The Papers About The ‘central Park Five’ - Ann Coulter
Wow, an article claiming that the entire basis is the new confession, ignoring the fact that his DNA matched (whereas none of the 5 had matching DNA). That isn't potato-level work, comrade.