I've held on to certain gifs for years, hoping to use them in a decisive moment. One must become a monk, then let it loose like an Amish on Rumspringe.
Do they get to call themselves private sector when they run off public funds? They're just schools only accountable to their boards. What could possibly go wrong?
Maybe that's the problem, they should give back that tainted government money, and once freed from that, they will undoubtabley be models of education.
And they get the satisfaction of continuing to teach, just that it's people acting like children instead of actual children.
If it's your taxes that you paid into the system than why not have your money go to the school you want your kid to attend? The best equalizer for all kids... of all ethnic backgrounds is going to a school that actually teaches curriculum. Minority kids deserve the chance to learn in a safe environment with all other demographics.
I think Florida got away with stuff like this for a long time, because when I was younger, Florida was considered a "cheap" place to live. 76K vs. 52K is a massive difference and I'm guessing the cost of living is about the same or possibly better in Alabama vs. Gainesville. Thanks for putting real number to this. Florida is very much failing students and teachers.
Also, if it's your taxes that you paid into the system than why not have your money go to the wars that you want to fight. Amidoingitrite? Good word salad after this, btw.* *by "good" i mean not good
And then there’s this. Research on school vouchers suggests concerns ahead for education savings accounts | Brookings Turns out that vouchers lead to WORSE outcomes. Imagine that
Enough to entice people to enter the profession. Enough to where Florida is not last in the country in terms of pay.
that one’s confusing. I’m not sure if the double negative is actually the joke, or not. But it is one of your better than average efforts.