Herf derf - you've just got Alvin Bragg Derangement Syndrome!! ABDS!!! See how that works? Clever and cute, no? Trump has only been indicted for numerous felonies related to the election conspiracy, among the almost 100 charged felonies. And we saw what we saw.... As far as Bragg, etc. Well, I'm torn. I haven't had time to read your article yet...so I admit my ignorance. But on the one hand I would support all criminals being prosecuted as appropriate. BUT THERE'S ANOTHER SCHOOL OF THOUGHT Specifically; why should I care what people like YOU think? You are rabidly insistent on voting for an outright criminal. You are supportive of a guy who instigated an attack on our federal govt, who tried to not peacefully transfer power for the first time in American history. And then when people like you get called out on it, they just lie. Lie to people about what actually happened, try to gaslight, and tell us not to believe our own eyes. But after attacking the government, your criminal hero abuses the courts for as much process and protection from the govt as possible. In short, you support a traitor. So while I may be inclined to support your call for penalties for some law breakers, your inconsistency makes me hesitant. Because you don't mind law breaking from your traitor. Like I said, I'm torn.
Don't be lawbreakers in Florida: New Yorker Busted In The Florida Keys For Keying A Truck With “Let’s Go Brandon” Bumper Sticker (msn.com) Democrat or republican, this man has the same charges in Florida. Don't like it, don't come. Don't like it, leave. Florida is a law-and-order state.
Torn! You are so out of touch with reality that nothing else you say matters. The criminals in New York arrested at Columbia should be prosecuted, no ifs ands or buts.
I agree. They have taken hammers to windows, destroyed property, engaged in physical violence. Prosecute them accordingly. January 6? Their crimes were more serious, IMO, and … prosecute them accordingly. I’m not sure how anyone can, with a straight face and intellectual honesty, scream for Jan 6 justice, and then cry for those who have destroyed property, engaged in physical violence, and trespassed for extended period of time in private property.
Yes, they should face legal consequences. But coming from you, this is laughable. Because you support a traitor. Who, for the first time in US history, tried to not transfer power after an election. So my point is; I do support the rule of law. But I don't feel much empathy for supporters of CRIMINALS, such as yourself, when you selectively moan about which particular laws you want enforced. In fact, I feel something less than empathy. Because people like you actually lie about what happened when your hero criminal enacted a conspiracy to overturn an election. You gaslight and lie about what actually happened on J6. So my point is; who cares what supporters of crime like yourself are upset about? Not me.
That’s one view. Completely one-sided and indicative of what’s wrong with this country, but a point of view. Having said the foregoing, and while I was a liberal lawyer who literally despises Thomas, Alito and Gosuch, the fact is SCOTUS has always swung back and forth between conservative and liberal. To condemn this Court and ignore the Warren court is to ignore history, also in service to ideology.
That is all you needed to say. At least you have one foot grounded in reality. BTW, you can indict a ham sandwich. That doesn't mean Jack Smith is going to win his case for the Biden Administration. Things didn't go so well in hearing at the SCOTUS did it? (shaking head)
Has any president ever been indicted for anything done while being the president? In a word, no. Doesn't matter as it will never come to a trial. That leaves the corrupt state AGs standing alone with the White House continuing with their election interference. I actually hope the idiot judge in New York puts Trump in jail. That'll finish up the election win for Trump. Make my day asshole!
How does your view of the Presidency differ from being a King then? Is it just the lack of heredity? Because your view looks very similar to "L'etat, c'est moi." You didn't answer my question, just deflected and got emotional. Adjectives and name calling don't add to the quality of the argument. Do you want to try to answer my question again?
Perhaps the Columbia protestors should be fully prosecuted and Biden should pardon them... just as Trump stated he will do for the Jan 6 rioters if he's elected. On another equally ludicrous Trump note, he's stated he wants to prosecute "crooked Joe' after he's elected, but.... that can't possibly happen according to his other unhinged claims of total Presidential immunity. Maga (Trump) is simply so embarrassingly moronic.
And that is what i DID say. Because I'm not a lawless traitor who responds to crime with lies and support of criminals. Your turn now. Do your traitor who initiated a conspiracy to overturn an election, and laughed while watching cops get beaten for over 3 hours. Unless, of course, you respond to crime with lies and support of criminals. But you do you.
You got Bluke/ET'd. Which is basically like the most positive endorsement a post can get. Well, maybe short of Bluke also adding a witless gif response....
a constitutional president is not a king as evidenced by trump not being president since 2021. you aren't funny as i'd like a silly or lol selection.
Okay, so are they king for 4 years, where they are above the law and the state can't touch them because they are the state?
the same now as i was when obama used drones to target and kill americans who joined isis without due process, not a crime making decisions as president.