Facts are facts, the murders, rapes, crime in general has risen because of the influx of foreigners, that have no respect for the culture, and have no plan on changing their beliefs to conform to the host country
As if you don’t know: The “great replacement” theory is inherently white supremacist. It depends on stoking fears that a non-white population, which the theory’s proponents characterize as “inferior,” will displace a white majority. It is also antisemitic. Some proponents of the “great replacement” do not explicitly attribute the plot to Jews. Instead, they blame powerful Jewish individuals such as financier and philanthropist George Soros or use coded antisemitic language to identify shadowy “elites” or “globalists.” - SPLC. I’ll grant you Muslims and Atheists aligned is a new flavor to me.
8 posts in a row, most of them memes. Maybe time to take a break from spreading your racist theories, before your head explodes?
Immigrants are mostly a good thing for America. The libbies and their hate for white cons have screwed up the culture that works and that same culture that many Hispanics identify with… Ironically, it’s white liberal America that will ultimately screw up the country. Immigrants will slowly stop coming once they realize men are encouraged to be women and visa versa. Immigrants are also very Christian. Libbies are mostly trying to kill off Christianity as well, also making America a less desirable place for Hispanic immigrants. Libbies hate traditions and that will kill off all the normal folks who want to come here for a better life. Oh well, at least the social justice libbies will feel good about themselves.
Can you imagine typing this drivel on a public message board? First libbies will assign you the proper gender! Then they will kill you off!
We are not immigrants, we are a nation of peoples with a sovernty that was brought about in 1776. You Dems act like we're some sort of cheap refugee camp...
??? It seems perfectly clear: many will laugh at your well deserved mockery, and you will give my posts a great many drive-by negative ratings. Then you'll post some witless memes. The only question is how quickly those bad ole libbies will get to you, and whether you'll do those things as a straight man or a gay woman.
I do understand people being uneasy when cultural changes happen quickly. It was a little surprising when you had to start choosing 1 for English on the phone. And there's always been a certain amount of fear of new groups - Chinese, Irish, Jews and others have run into this as they arrived here. Not to mention blacks moving into previously white neighborhoods and schools. And I'm reluctant to throw around the word 'racist.' But when the essence of this current claim is that 'us white people are under attack by darker people and we've got to stop them!' how do you pretend it's not about race?