Apparently incest is totally okay by him. So glad we decided as a state that we want Dennis Prager’s material being taught in our schools. Brilliant.
Sounds like the setup to one of those stepmother porns "look baby, there's no secular argument against it"
Prager: "There's no secular argument against adult incest. Brother and sister want to make love, what's your argument? That they're going to produce mentally retarded offspring? That's nonsense. It takes many generations of inbreeding to do that" Never mind. Let them inbreed.
Dennis Prager is one of the wisest people in media today. How many of you listened to the whole clip? He said there is no secular argument against incest; then, he said there is a religious argument against it and it has a tremendous taboo. OP and most of the responses to the OP are sheeple joining the herd; and, my bet is none of you listened to the whole clip. "Hey, it's okay, you're going to cheer for Hamas one day." It rhymes, right; so, it must be true. The internet allows everyone to know a tiny bit about everything and prove it to everyone else ad nauseum.
I think you are (sort of) correct. People misinterpreted him a bit. Rather than encouraging incest, it is basically “without religion nothing would stop incest!!!!”. There’s no other rationale to save us! Or at least that was also my interpretation of this nutbar’s comments. I think that version isn’t much less nutty and deserves equal ridicule. One of the wisest people in media?
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Paul disagree ... they were like "What's the best part about banging your cousin? It makes your sister jealous"
Yeah, Prager is a moron and definitely not wise, but I can see why the right wing thinks so, because he speaks coherently and sometimes uses big words, lol. Same with Jordan Peterson who is a total wing nut. Prager is basically defending it and justifying the behavior instead of saying what he should which is “incest is terrible and not a practice someone should partake in.” Not sure how he worded it makes it any better.