From the replies : You’re going to think I’m crazy, but Russia (if you let it) will be Europe’s salvation. Russia is the only major player in the region that has not allowed their national sovereignty to be eroded and has the resources to send the invaders back to their origins. The Ukrainian war is Russia fighting to ensure Russia AND Russians can and will maintain their identity.
It's hard to properly grasp the damaging filth Trump has opened the door to. With racism being one of his only true principles (along with lust and greed), he's given a green light to racists worldwide, not just in America. Couple that with his obvious indebtedness to Russia we are. Commanding the American Christian vote, no less.
I'm getting Bluked. I guess he agrees with this Great Replacement Theory stuff......but doesn't have the hanging parts to come out and say it.
I don’t see the “racism” angle as often as the left wants me to. But when she said… “when another white boy or another white girl dies at the hands of another immigrant…” …sorry bud, that’s what it is. Not a good example of the point you’re trying to make. I was done after that.
This shouldn’t be surprising, the single biggest corollary for Trump voters were districts that had large demographic change. Not that I am one to defend the OP here generally, but I have some sympathy for people who see what they’ve always known disappearing around them. Change can be scary. I will simply say aligning yourself with movements like this though tends to alleviate that sympathy pretty quickly. Jmo.
Change is a constant. And if your reaction to change is to adopt racist, Nazi, BS propaganda, then you're a fascist who belongs on the junk heap with the rest of them throughout history. I only hope the fascists end up there before regaining power here again in this country.
I guess Hungary is the new home for CPAC? It really shows how MAGA has abandoned economic themes. The GDP per capita there is about $18k, which is lower than Greece and Poland. It is 3rd or 4th from the bottom of 26 EU countries. Also they are barely above Russia. In NATO, and by being more generous by using PPP, it is ranked 20 out of 30. In terms of stock market capitalization percent to gdp they are third from the bottom at about 14%. The US is 181%. I guess this what the gop wants now. A homogeneous race borderline 3rd world country.