oh, but now you, just like your dem buds, support baby killing. How does that make you feel? Methinks, you'll just find a way to justify it. oh, goody!
oh, I think you do. You support baby killers. You will vote for baby killers. Oh, but sure, you're different from the blue hair lesbian baby killers. yeah, tell it to the babies......killer
More BS. In principle abortion is an extremely important issue to me. I cast my vote accordingly with that in my mind. I always have, and I always will vote that way.
This is what the Democrats do to any high profile conservative. They hire hoards of people to dig up negative PR, and they publish anything they can lay their hands on. It doesn't matter if it is out of context. It doesn't matter if it is only a half truth. They are going to smear in any way possible no matter how dishonest or lacking in integrity it is. Of course when this is the strategy, someone will find true things along the way if one goes looking for things to smear someone with. But this is the clear modus operandi of the DNC. They try to cancel their opposition if at all possible by any means necessary.
She went up a notch in my book, I could not put down my own dog as I have taken them to the vet when it was their time. She had the courage to do it herself.
yo, I've eaten dog! "their time"? was it when they were 14 months & demonstrated their unbridled enthusiasm for life as god intended? I could easily put down a dog when it was their time. that's your take here????? it was their time, cuz the lord Kristi said so?
You do realise that forcing your opinion on others is exactly what you claim to be against, right? Nobody owns truth other than certain things that we have deemed not good for society as a whole. I get on Dems a lot around here but the religious right isn't too far behind with being judgemental and trying to force people to live a certain way. Murder is wrong, this has been universally and overwhelmingly understood by all of man kind. Things like abortion and many other social hot topics are up for debate depending on your upbringing and/or religion. Religious or not. The fact remains, we don't know what happened in the beginning. While I dont believe in God necessarily Im more of a "see to believe" kinda person so I dont really have a definitive conclusion, in fact, nobody does. I say that to say this, there are a lot of things that are up for debate and are highly contested mostly by even numbers on both sides (this goes for elections too). This means its not reasonable to claim that your opinion is absolute truth unless its something that is universally understood by an overwhelming majority over time.
And brag about it in a book. There is also a HUGE difference between putting an animal down due to medical necessity and doing so because you're tired of it or, you know, "things just weren't working out." Sorry, nope, and you genuinely need to rethink this one. Edit: More details from her book: "By taking Cricket on a pheasant hunt with older dogs, Noem says, she hoped to calm the young dog down and begin to teach her how to behave. Unfortunately, Cricket ruined the hunt, going “out of her mind with excitement, chasing all those birds and having the time of her life”. Noem describes calling Cricket, then using an electronic collar to attempt to bring her under control. Nothing worked. Then, on the way home after the hunt, as Noem stopped to talk to a local family, Cricket escaped Noem’s truck and attacked the family’s chickens, “grabb[ing] one chicken at a time, crunching it to death with one bite, then dropping it to attack another”. "When Noem finally grabbed Cricket, she says, the dog “whipped around to bite me”. Then, as the chickens’ owner wept, Noem repeatedly apologised, wrote the shocked family a check “for the price they asked, and helped them dispose of the carcasses littering the scene of the crime”. "Noem decided to kill the unnamed goat the same way she had just killed Cricket the dog. But though she “dragged him to a gravel pit”, the goat jumped as she shot and therefore survived the wound. Noem says she went back to her truck, retrieved another shell, then “hurried back to the gravel pit and put him down”. Trump VP contender Kristi Noem writes of killing dog – and goat – in new book So piecing this together, Noem wants to train this dog to hunt peasants pheasants. She takes it peasant pheasant hunting with older dogs and on Cricket's first training day, it chases the birds away. On the way home, Noem stops at the chicken people's place, Cricket is apparently not secured properly, gets out of Noem's vehicle and kills chickens (which are also birds, if you're following) While the dog is in the middle of killing birds, Noem grabs Cricket, tries to drag it away and the dog tries to bite her. This all happened on one day and Noem decides Cricket needs to die and shoots it. But at this point, Noem is also consumed with bloodlust herself and decides it's the stinky goat's day to die, too.
no. I did not realize that forcing my opinion on others was what I claimed to be against. Where did I claim that?
Speaking of rank hypocrisy. No one had to dig for dirt on Noem, just sniff around for that POS Lewandowski. Last time I checked, there was something in the Ten Commandments about adultery. And, while on the topic of the Ten Commandments, how many have Trump broken? By my count, at least 8. I do understand, however, that to many of the fake Christians we are subjected to, they have become the Ten Suggestions You Should Try to Live By If Convenient, so break 8 or 9, who the hell cares, right?. They give real Christians a bad name, but that's their modus operandi.