While I would agree that PETA or at least the chapter that operates the animal shelter discussed in the article is hypocritical, let's remember that the article focuses entirely on a single animal shelter in Norfolk, Virginia. The title of the piece is very deceptive and implies that that the practices of that shelter represent the policies of the organization as a whole.
They do belong in different categories. One is a human being made in the image of God, and the other is not.
You don't know much about bird dogs do you? Bird dogs do not kill birds. Pointers, setters and retrievers point & retrieve. Flushing dogs & most spaniels heel until the hunter releases them to flush the covey.
I don’t ever agree with you, but you’re right about this. Animals are slaughtered daily, and house pets often have to be put down. I had to put down my beloved dog two years ago and still think of him. As for this woman and her book, I don’t know enough to pass judgment other than saying if she’s a Trumper, I don’t think much of her.
FWIW, I am not defending her actions (based on what the Democrats say the facts are). I am simply pointing out that people who live in glass houses should not throw stones. If you support the murder of innocent life, then it is probably best not to criticize others for doing what you have proclaimed and supported as a moral good, especially if you support the more egregious form of taking innocent life, which is taking human life. If killing a puppy makes someone "a piece of garbage" as the OP has asserted, then killing a human being most certainly does as well. If the youth of the puppy makes the crime all that more egregious, then what do we make of those who have supported senseless killing of the smallest and youngest human beings? What description fits that if killing a small young animal makes someone "a piece of garbage."
For you to suggest dogs and all living things aren’t God’s creatures tells me a lot about you. You ok with executions?
You can tell by my avatar that I am a dog lover......My problem here is that the linked stories pushed the point that she shot her dog and all but ignored the fact that the dog killed several chickens and turned on her. She has children I believe. The too hot posters don't care......I love my 10 year old brittany Spider but if she was the least bit aggressive I would have to get rid of her for the sake of my grandchildren.
Repeating the question from @Trickster, do you support capital punishment? By inference anyone who supports executions especially office holders are by definition pieces of garbage.
I have said this, and I keep getting proved right on this. There is no lie too big that the Democrats would not tell to win an election. You almost can't believe anything they say anymore if it has any connection to elections and power.
Why is murder wrong in your worldview? "Why" is just as important as "what." We can work our way to conclusions about morality once we've laid the groundwork of its fundamental nature.
thats not really capital punishment. That might be considered an act of active war. However, if Hitler was captured, found guilty in the Nuremberg trials, and in prison. Keep him locked up? Hang him? that then would be capital punishment. ...would you abort Hitler before he was born, if you had that choice?
Clearly, the her own words in her book is just all a lie from big media. No, Antifa. No wait, Hillary.
I would not kill Hitler before he was born because Hitler is an innocent man until he has committed a capital crime against humanity. Also, the person who presumes to know how the course of someone's life is going to play out is guilty of arrogance. You have to realize that every person is created by God. So, to destroy a life that God created before it even has a chance to live is a major offense before the Creator. There are some things that are reserved for God alone. After Hitler has risen to power, and he is killing Jews...that is a different question in its entirety. I am divided on that question actually. I think capital punishment is a right exercised within the domain of the state, not the individual, but killing Hitler could potentially save lives. And at that point he is guilty of a capital crime. I still would lean towards no, but I think a foreign state or even a lower magistrate would have full rights to execute capital punishment on someone like Hitler. I would not personally say that someone who would take a shot at Hitler if they had it is "a piece of garbage." I would say they made a complex moral decision with the motivation of trying to do the right thing. The "piece of garbage" in that scenario would be the one who did not have any kind moral conundrum to deal with because they supported Hitler. And FWIW, I don't usually use that phrase "piece of garbage" to describe people, but the Bible describes the wicked as "chaff," which is not too far off from that.
Im pretty sure the original articles didn’t miss that at all, hence the discussion on her lack of training the dog. The idea you put down a 14month old dog over an incident like that involving chickens is ludicrous. Maybe you get into that if it bites humans - and a court orders the animal destroyed (although even there, at 14 months the blame likely lies with the owner, but it’s the dog that pays the price for the bad owner… so either way we can safely call this woman in the wrong). It’s not mercy to the animal. It’s not consuming the animal for food. She basically murdered a young healthy dog and (apparently) wanted everyone to know about it. Edit: I’d also add it’s not definitively something she had “a right” to do, as I notificed even a few lefties giving deference to that. Although I’d guess South Dakota doesn’t have the strongest animal cruelty laws. I’d say in much of the county doing what she did under the circumstances described would be criminal.
LMAO at this vain Botox faced dog killing psychopath being made “in Gods image”. You think that’s even her face?