Kristi Vickis a POS. Shooting a dog she couldn’t train in a gravel pit makes her extremely unelectable nationally with normal Americans. Ads write themselves. GOP so evil they kill puppies.
Putting down sick animals is definitely part of running a farm involving livestock. Shooting a 14 month old dog? Not so much. It just shows she was inept at training the dog properly, and the unfortunate animal paid with its life. If this bitch lived somewhere with “law and order” she should have faced animal cruelty charges. I wonder how “sometimes you gotta do what’s necessary and put a bullet in a 14 month old puppy, and btw I really hated that dog” plays at a national level. I love that she added how much she hated the dog, after trying to describe it as a tough choice. Small insight into the mind of a psychopath.
TBF, she is inadvertently more honest than most. This is what you should prep for. All these people doing things I HATE!!!! Put them down. But, tough choice.
Maybe that's her selling point? "If I can murder puppies, I can definitely murder your political enemies!"
I could have used Kristi's help when I had 2 teenagers in the house and I was having to screw the windows shut
Well, it was an adult dog. Obviously she would never kill a puppy, and especially a pre-puppy. But once it becomes a dog, that turned into a dick because of the society she provided it, yeah, it’s evil and must be eliminated. Goats too. Many just don’t appreciate the opportunity to eat barbed wire and suck water out of the B horizon. Evil. Gotsta go.
So, was the dog euthanized for bad behavior, or was it severely retarded? Putting down a pet is never easy, but people flip out if a gun is used in order to carry out euthanasia. I wonder how many of these same people are okay with HUMAN suicide laws, regardless of the method. I wonder if there are countries letting their people die for no real reason other than because they can? But killing your dog becasue you can't train it properly should be a crime.
Dogs are as good as their owners. That breed is very intelligent and responds well to proper training. Also, 14 months is not old enough to "give up". The puppy should have been sent to the local ASPCA or any rescue. Those dogs are highly intelligent. Don't know all the details but usually in this situation it is an owner issue not a dog issue. Also, every DSM and now DSM-5 associates this behavior with psychopathy. To state she hated the dog is telling. She was attempting to train it to hunt pheasant but obviously...because of poor training thought chickens were fair game. That is 100% on the owner. Your post is full of whataboutisms and deflections. It is poorly constructed and makes you look like you are defending a sociopath. Is that important to you? Animal cruelty is described in detail in the DSM-5. The absence of emotion is another tell. She is now unelectable in the eyes of the electorate. The middle wants nothing to do with her. The Indian reservations have banned her. She's a psycho and has torpedo'ed her national aspirations. She's lucky if she stays gov of SD. It's everywhere. Fellow Pubs are disgusted. That "tough decision" thing completely backfired.
From my limited experience around farmers on both sides of the family, it isn’t really shocking. You have to realize they deal with animals every day, and putting down animals is a routine event. Also, killing stray dogs or cats that endanger your livestock is pretty common. It isn’t really surprising that you start to look at animals differently. I’m not at all excusing it, just saying it isn’t shocking. However, this just tells me how arrogant and clueless she really is. In her mind, she clearly thought this story would endear many Americans towards her. What kind of bubble do you have to live in? The level of lack of self awareness is shocking. While many farmers have probably had to kill animals, including pets, most have enough awareness to understand that isn’t something you brag about in public. If there is one redeeming thing about these MAGA types is give them enough time and they will blow themselves up with their lunacy.
I would assume most of us had animals put down when we weighed out quality of life and suffering. I am going to have to make that decision again this year, unfortunately. And some of us have lead the ranch life and are closer to the death. That being said, she seems a little psychotic for killing a young dog because of her inability to control it.