Couldn't get past 2 minutes before all her lies did me in. She is just another MAGAT feeding her base lies. So sick of it.
As opposed to yall, who apparently live on the border of Ukraine, as y'all shit your britches daily about the impending invasion of *scary* Russia (that can't seem to make it through half the width of Florida in 2+ years of trying...). BOO! PS-i guess since Ruskies are white, yall are petrified of them, while warm, fuzzy unvetted middle eastern terrorists, warm n fuzzy Mexican cartel drug n sex traffickers, and warm fuzzy chi-com ops on our soil are no cause for concern, bc, well, they're warm n fuzzy.
No, Texas can’t secede PolitiFact - Nikki Haley said Texas could secede from the U.S. Here’s why that’s wrong
Sure they could. Just as the South could have--had they won the war. Similarly, Texas--of Cali...--*could* secede. They'd just have to win the ensuing war. (Admittedly a tall order, bur that's why wars are fought). Btw, the US exists bc it won such a war.
It is funny to watch right wingers recast the American Revolution fought between a colonizer and it's colony, into a war of secession, where a fully recognized and represented area attempts to break away from a country.
Looks like she is still trying to have it both ways. While trying to distinguish herself from Trump she is still trying to avoid alienating Trump's MAGA supporters a number of whom believe at least in theory that Texas has the right to secede from the nation. By the way Governor Abbott who is openly defying the federal government over the border issue didn't have any problem with asking the feds for disaster assistance. Governor Abbott Requests Federal Extension For Major Disaster Declaration Deadline For June Severe Weather | Office of the Texas Governor | Greg Abbott Biden approves disaster relief for 13 Texas counties with damage from winter ice storms President Joe Biden issued a disaster declaration Saturday for 13 Texas counties, freeing federal relief for areas damaged in last winter's crippling ice storms. Gov. Greg Abbott, who had requested a disaster declaration covering 23 counties, thanked Biden for the designation, calling it “a critical first step to helping Texans recover from this severe weather event.”
Killed her 14 month old dog, shooting it in a gravel pit, for being aggressive and untrainable, killing a neighbor's chickens. Rick Wilson said that her story is BS and that she didn't know how to handle a dog. I'm not qualified to judge. What is disturbing is that she included the anecdote as evidence of her ability to make decisions politically
She’s gargage. The local American Indian population made the prudent step to ban her from their land. I wish we could do the same with 35% of the American Electorate.