Governments move to kill more Ukrainians to stop a mythical global expansionist. Governments kill more birds to stop a mythical pathogen. At least they’re consistent.
If Duggers said the sun came up in the morning, I would recommend that you check for yourself to be sure. In fact, if you placed a bet on every statement he made being false, I'm not sure you could possibly lose money.
You mean this guy? Putin’s dark designs: Restore the pre-1917 Russian empire Putin reveals his dreams of a new Russian Empire
That’s a far cry from spoiling to restore the original bounds of the Soviet Union, which Putin has stated would be insane. In any case, aren’t you one of those who sees Russia as struggling with wobegone Ukraine ? Back to non-existent pernicious nanoparticles.
Actually the pre-1917 Russian Empire was even more expansive than the former Soviet Union since in addition to the Eastern European countries that were formerly Soviet Republics, Ukraine being the largest, the Czarist Russian Empire included a good part of Poland and Finland as well as the Baltic countries. This was the Czarist Empire in 1914 which also explains why Finland decided to join NATO following a century of neutrality.
Whether reconstituting the pre-1917 Russian Empire which was actually larger than the Soviet Union or recreating the post-World War II era in which the Soviets had near absolute domination over most of the the nominally independent Eastern European Countries (see Hungary in 1956 or Czechoslovakia in 1968 as examples) the reality is the your bud Vladimir wants to restore something akin to the status quo prior 1989. Keep in mind the Vlad referred to the collapse of Soviet Union as the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th Century. Putin: Soviet collapse a 'genuine tragedy' Vladimir Putin's history obsession is a threat to world peace History has always served as an ideological battlefield, but few rulers in the modern era have weaponized the past quite as ruthlessly as Vladimir Putin. For more than two years, the Russian dictator has sought to justify Europe’s largest invasion since World War II by portraying it as a sacred mission to reclaim “historically Russian lands.” Putin’s preoccupation with history has become increasingly evident as his reign has progressed, and is closely linked to his deep-seated resentment over the perceived historical injustice of the 1991 Soviet collapse. As early as 2005, Putin was lamenting the breakup of the USSR as “the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century.”
Again, left out, his remarks that it would be madness to try to restore it. This is a non-issue. The all conquering Putin does not exist as an entity, much like viruses.
I don't have a Ghost of Kiev. You are the only one that mentions this alleged ghost on a regular basis. It must be your ghost. Own it, ghost-boy.
1 in 5 milk samples from grocery stores test positive for bird flu. Why the FDA says it’s still safe to drink “With qPCR tests, the genetic material, not necessarily the whole active or infectious virus, is what is detected. In the case of food, the genetic material, the RNA found in the grocery store milk samples, may not be the infectious H5N1 virus, but fragments from it,” Tran said. Since it is MNRA only can I drink 5 gallons a day and become vaccinated like the Covid mRNA shots? Regarding the safety of milk, Blumberg notes the primary risk would be from raw milk. “Pasteurization results in a greater than 99.9999% reduction in infectious virus in contaminated milk, likely eliminating transmission, but there may be a risk of transmission if unpasteurized milk from an infected animal is ingested.” there is a .00001% chance of pasteurization breakthrough! Clearly the pasteurization is causing the bird flu. Ban Pasteurzation!!! /duggers/g95/Q-dental office guy