This seems totally reasonable in fairness, it seems all the parents brought their kids there willingly and knowingly. Some of us remember this special Mickey(link below) Hamas knows how to indoctrinate kids and the lessons are being brought back here Mickey Mouse double ‘martyred’ on Hamas TV
I can see how the ideas of drag queens existing and Palestinians having freedom could be really upsetting.
Plus it’s a performing arts theater not some school. People showed up specifically for the event. Y’all be crazy.
How long until American parents take their kids to Trump rallies to hear an ex-POTUS (sort of) spew un-American lies. Oh, wait.....
that’s one of the things I find interesting. I mention in the OP that the parents seemed to have brought their kids there willingly and knowingly. How free would a drag queen be in Gaza under Hamas ? Irony is for that same drag queen to be able to safely assemble and scream free Palestine without fear of getting their throat slit, they would have to drive 45 miles north to Tel Aviv where being gay isn’t a capital offense
It's a fair point, but what should the US policy be because of that? Allow Israel to commit war crimes by killing 10s of thousands of Palestinian women and children? (and fund it)
Well we have had this discussion before. The civilian death ratio in urban conflict is up to 90%. That is not new. You don’t get to start a war by attacking unarmed civilians and then hide within unarmed Civilians and claim you care about unarmed civilians. War is horrible and awful and unfortunately sometimes necessary. As I said before there are UN numbers not mine. The IDF by all accounts has come in well below the 80-90%. Ninety Per Cent of War-Time Casualties Are Civilians, Speakers Stress, Pressing Security Council to Fulfil Responsibility, Protect Innocent People in Conflicts | Meetings Coverage and Press Releases Israel Has Created a New Standard for Urban Warfare. No One Will Admit It).
I can not fathom the right's, especially the OP's, infatuation with drag queens. They would essentially be a non-topic, but for....
Would Hamas rule the Palestinian people if they were granted their freedom? Because Hamas is currently in power now and was propped up by the right-wing government in Tel Aviv, so your argument doesn't make much sense. If the claim is that drag queens should support government repression because the Palestinian people might support a repressive regime of their own if given self-determination rights, well, I'd say you're barking up the wrong tree.
well sir. Maybe the post lacked nuance enough for you to get it. The OP doesn’t care about drag queens. Bird cage was fantastic work. To use your words I cannot fathom missing the irony that the above drag queen would not be safe nor free to say “if you’re a drag queen scream free Palestine” in the very Gaza that she/he professes wanting to free. And further more the only place he/she could scream that without being beheaded is 45 miles north in Tel Aviv where drag queens don’t get their throats slit.
Nothing wrong with drag queens....more power to you!!!! But I draw the line on the pro Hamas, pro genocide of jews stance
I'm far more concerned by the need of adults to push sexualization upon children. That is FUBAR and a very large problem. Does it surprise me the adults involved have hypocritical stances on Palestine? No, it does not, but the problem started when somebody thought it was okay to have a drag queen come talk to little kids at school. It didn't start when said drag queen began talking about "free Palestine."