I feel that with every expansion in financial aid, schools have just increased tuition more. The system is wonky and textbooks are part of the scam. I am for letting the market handle this but really let the market handle it.
Student loans should never have been government subsidized in the first place. As usual the government tries to put out a fire by throwing gasoline on it.
The market is handling it, just like healthcare and other things considered public goods, it simply means higher costs, subsidized or not. No one worth listening too makes the argument that medical services would be cheaper if we didn't have insurance, various subsidies, etc. Though I have heard people say they should bring back bartering and stuff with your doctor. To which I say - good luck bringing back the days of the small town country doctor lol. Ultimately the argument is always going to be between a privatized system with a vast network of subsidies and debt financing options (in the name of accessibility) vs. a cost controlled single payor system free at the point of service. As with medicine, the people that will defend the privatized scheme will point to all the bells and whistles of education and argue that a single payor will no do adequate gate keeping and not allow all those bells and whistles, and too many people will use it. The higher costs are about keeping people out! But apparently they are not keeping enough people out to some people's liking.
That’s an interesting theory. If I take $100k out of your bank account, as long as I give you back $100k in thirty years, you really think it’s all a wash and you’re no worse off than if I hadn’t taken it? That’s $100k that you either weren’t generating income off of for the thirty years I had it or, worse, had to borrow other money to replace the $100k I had. Both of those have very real costs, and those costs are what interest is supposed to cover. If you say “don’t worry about the interest,” me having your $100k for decades most certainly did cost you a whole lot.
Interesting hypothetical that will apply to no one here. Are you asking us to sympathize or identify with a bank/money lender? If its a 100k you "earned" on interest for doing absolutely nothing other than having capital to lend for profit, who cares lol. I'm not a loan shark. Who will think of the poor money lenders?
Do you have any evidence of this? I can maybe see a loan counselor pimping forgiveness, but have never heard of admins doing such a thing.
So we can all enjoy music in concerts, movies, commercials, and restaurants. The performing arts are an essential component of humanity.
Well, I know this thread is a sore spot with you (no pun intended), but do you really think we should pay $250,000 for someone just so they don't have to quit music as a profession? Isn't that kind of selfish??
Did you ever think that the STEM majors were getting student loan forgiveness? Not by this clown and his deep state haters.
How much did he borrow? How much did he pay? Do you consider Clarence Thomas "able bodied"? Clarence Thomas failed to fully repay $267,000 loan for luxury RV, inquiry finds
Honestly, I assumed they were. They aren't? My thought is if you're going to be in the business of forgiving student debt, seems like you'd prioritize STEM debtors so as to attract more of that talent here to the U.S. I would not be surprised if Bidumb is only forgiving the art majors and such. What a joke.
I think he will get absolutely clobbered in November. The polls have consistently shown a levee that's about to break. Trump is already on trial for paying off a pornstar, so it's not like they are going to be able to October surprise him. In fact, Biden is more vulnerable in that area than people realize.
Biden is treading on very very thin ice. I hear rumblings that a few million people may sue the Biden Admin for corruption and discrimination because they haven't been included in these pay-offs. So far he's targeting people who haven't paid their loans off after a certain amount of time and in most cases, they haven't paid into that much, many of which have paid just interest payments for 15+ years. Most people have totally stopped paying on their loans ever since Biden hinted at loan forgiveness 4 years ago. My son's friends who all have student loans say they won't pay either because they have been told to hold off and join a class action lawsuit against the US government.
I They did that purposely because now they can buy votes by ‘forgiving’ what is no longer bankrupt eligible.
how much he initially borrowed is irrelevant. He voluntarily took the loan and as I mentioned and as the article mentioned he was not a product of a disability. He knew years into it, his employment choice would not repay it. Yet he ignored that and continued with his low paying job choice. I am unsure the specifics about the Clarence Thomas story you cited. Maybe he was a deadbeat. Maybe the other party didn’t not fulfill their portion of a contract. No idea.