If that is the video of the actual "stabbing", it will be fun to read Mr. "This Will Not End Well's" reaction to it.
Somewhat. I don't know. I would presume somewhat informed (i.e., aware of what's happening), but not subject-matter experts. On the administrator issue, they're not treating police as a last resort, which is what they should do in this sort of situation. And by bringing them in unnecessarily, they made things much worse. One need only look at Columbia to see how much it escalated things. I disagree with Tyler on a lot of things, but he hits the nail on the head here (the entire thread is worth the read):
It's a reasonable question. Maybe the protesters made students feel uncomfortable. Maybe they presented a conflict between Jewish & Muslim students. Maybe there is a campus ordinance against camping on campus.
I bet the admins at Columbia are among the smartest people in the world. Doesn't mean they will do all the right things, but I'm certain they will not act w/o mindful contemplation. They are in a no-win situation, trying to respect the rights of Muslim protesters, while trying to protect Jewish students and members of the community at large.
Here's the issue for me. Made somebody feel uncomfortable is a hazy standard. If they made somebody feel uncomfortable because they were shouting death threats or cornering them, that's one thing. If they made somebody feel uncomfortable because they were loudly advocating for a cause the uncomfortable person abhors, that's a different issue entirely. I have no doubt they're smart, but smart people do stupid things. Exhibit A: The president of Columbia naming members of the faculty and throwing them under the bus in the hearing before Congress.
It seems that in this day and age what makes someone “feel uncomfortable” is defined by the one who is uncomfortable. At least that’s what we have been instructed for the last 10 years or so…
Hence why I defend free speech even when it makes people uncomfortable, including speech I strongly disagree with and speech that makes me uncomfortable.
They set up at 4am and were told to leave by 7am, before people are on campus in any numbers. They weren’t there overnight to camp yet either. This was about dispersing them before they became a ‘problem’ not because they were a problem.
Is it just my imagination or are things getting dicey out there? I know social media makes this stuff more visible and perhaps that’s a good thing, so that we can take these problems head on. But I don’t ever recall a time feeling this country was so on edge as it is today. Lots of factions coalescing with consequential players at the top. The chances of a peaceful election this November are next to zero.
I think you have to ask why universities are always the most draconian when it comes to suppressing anti-war protests, Vietnam, Iraq, Gaza ...
Looks like my assumptions on what actually happened (rather than what the NY Post claimed happened) were correct.
It was a sophomoric waving/taunting to the author with the Palestinian flag. Did it touch her? Probably. Was it serious? Unlikely. The person with the flag was carelessly wafting it about as in "I'm just stating my position by waving this flag so folks can see it and if it just happens to graze this person over here well, so what?" I do not think the flag bearer was attempting to seriously injure the author. The OP was about the leadership of Yale (please note: it begins with "Yale administrators kowtowing to..."); so, the OP was not "OMG, someone has lost an eye!!!" post. another poster took the flag/poke/injury thing and ran with it. My point stands: If you have rules of conduct and they are violated and you do nothing you have chaos. Sooner or later someone will be seriously injured or die at one of these protests (and it easily could be a peaceful person who is just in the wrong area and gets targeted, incorrectly, by one side or the other). What has become painfully obvious is that the leadership of the Ivies is spineless and without any guiding principles. gator_lawyer had it right (SHOCKER ALERT) in that the "feeling uncomfortable" principle is a vague and spurious notion. When you cannot define "man" or "woman" how do you define "uncomfortable"? Some folks are so open minded their brains have leaked out. Carry on.
I love the "Jews for a free Palestine" almost as much as the "Trannies for a free Palestine" Eventually the strippers and porn stars will come out with a pro-Palestine group. Irony is the best comedy.