Let's not forget when Great Britain was debating whether or not to go through with Brexit and Obama, part of the Obama/Biden team went to your country and threatened Britain that if you vote for Brexit that you would get in the back of the queue as far as trade with the U.S.A.. That was a threat, and THAT IS A CRIME too. Just because it's not prosecuted doesn't mean he didn't break the law. By the way define fraud. Because if NO ONE WAS DEFRAUDED it's not fraud. Trump made a clerical error on paperwork (thousands do this all the time, no one is called out for a crime) and the bank went though with a loan knowing all the details about a commercial real-estate loan. Trump not only paid it all back with interest (no victim) he also paid it all back early... So who was defrauded? Yeah, clerical error is al it was and the bank knew it before hand too, and yet they still went through with the loan. No one was defrauded. You're not getting the other side of the news over there. Watch this video and tell us if you think this is legal, or NOT a crime. That, what Biden was espousing, is a crime... and it's illegal. It's what we in The United States call BRIBERY. Hush money to a hooker is NOT a crime.
Again, here is the law that he is accused of breaking: https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/PEN/175.10
No, accurately stating that a policy change will result in issues with trade is not a crime (UK and US have still not signed a new trade agreement).
Lol... so mistakes like clerical errors are now crimes? WHO WAS DEFRAUDED out of money? Let me see if the bank does NOT call it crime and they are not the ones pressing charges then the state can come in and press charges in New York? Even when the bank was repaid every single dime, plus interest, of a loan... paid back early no less? Clerical errors happen and no one lost money,... therefore NO CRIME WAS COMMITTED.
It isn't a fraud statute. He falsified a business record to hide the payment. And he did it 34 times, so the defense that it was an error (made 34 times) is pretty weak.
Paid for what... counsel from a hooker? Seems legit to me. Did Trump pay the taxes on that counsel/advice?
Why are you intentionally ignoring the charges? If you want to know the crime it can easily be found and it has nothing to do with paying his mistress
Las are there to protect against real crimes... what is the crime in clerical errors? Did he not pay all of his taxes?
Again, he is not charged with fraud. He created a series of false business records to hide payments. That is the crime. That is why your theories keep not happening in real life.