And just recently major Chinese banks have stopped transactions with Russia. Screws were tightened quite a bit lately on several layers
I think there is a very tiny percentage of the U.S. population that has failed completely in their lives, and seeks validation by finding the most bat-sh!t insane ideas and pretending that they are reasonable, and seeing how many gullible people fall for them. They naturally blame the entire U.S. for their failure, and therefore any propaganda that dumps on the U.S. is worth considering. They actually believe that they are enlightened, because so few other people understand their version of "the truth".
Oldest active duty ship in the world hit. It's been in service since pre-WWI. "The Kommuna was reportedly readying up to attempt to recover the Moskva, the flagship in Russia's Black Sea Fleet infamously sunk by Ukraine - with open-source intelligence analysts alleging it was "carrying [a] deep-diving submersible". MSN
If Russia wants to salvage that ship or anything in it, then Russia is going to have to ask Ukraine’s permission. That’s what happens when you allow your will to exceed your capability.
Russia has dominated from the beginning. They don't fight to take territory, they 've been fighting to destroy Ukraine's military. It was a war of attrition. Now Russia has transitioned to a more offensive posture. As for the sanctions, from day 1 I said they would backfire. The West sanctioned itself. Thee sanctions were a lifeline thrown to China which gotuch needed cheap food and energy. India got cheap energy that it repackaged and sold to Europe and elsewhere. BTW, you haven't noticed it but China is imploding.
a win for Russia as Ukranian air defenses failed to stop several missiles which took out 3 mig 29's and a S-300 system and buildings likely holding lots of valuable replacement parts. something tells me a few more patriot systems would have helped prevent this. if djt doesn't kill that first bill Ukraine wouldn't have been running low on air to air missile systems Russian missiles devastate Ukrainian airbase, multiple MiGs destroyed ( Ukrainian aviation faces dark times. Recordings that have surfaced online show Russian missiles hitting an airbase near Dnipro and its anti-aircraft defenses not once but twice—on both Thursday and Saturday. The attacks likely destroyed at least three MiG-29 fighter jets. Located over 62 miles from the front line in central-eastern Ukraine, the Aviatorskoje Airport near Dnipro was struck on Thursday by what are believed to be Iskander 9K720 ballistic missiles equipped with cluster warheads. The assault destroyed at least two MiG-29 fighters, several warehouses, and an S-300 anti-aircraft defense battery system near the base, under Liubymivka, on the east side of the Dnipro River. A Russian reconnaissance drone, likely an Orlan-10, recorded the entire operation, which analysts see as proof of Ukrainian air defense vulnerabilities at this stage of the conflict. A second strike A Russian military pilot documented a subsequent attack on Saturday via the Fighterbomber Telegram channel. This second assault took down another MiG-29, the targeting system of the S-300 anti-aircraft battery system (located northeast of Dnipro, near Dniprowskie), and the 79K6 "Pelikan" radar.
others could do more too. maybe if they would have figured this out a month agon those 3 migs and related gear would still be of service to Ukraine today European nations with Patriots hesitate to give their missile systems to Ukraine ( European Union countries possessing Patriot air defense systems appeared hesitant on Monday to give any to Ukraine, which is desperately seeking at least seven of the missile batteries to help fend off Russian air attacks.Russia’s air force is vastly more powerful than Ukraine’s, but sophisticated missile systems provided by Kyiv’s Western partners can pose a major threat to Russian aviation as the Kremlin’s forces slowly push forward along the roughly 1,000-kilometer (620-mile) front line in the war. Dutch Foreign Minister Hanke Bruins Slot said the Netherlands is “looking at every kind of possibility at the moment” and is offering financial support to a German initiative to help Ukraine bolster its air defenses and to buy more drones. Asked at a meeting of European Union foreign and defense ministers why the Netherlands is reluctant to send some of its Patriot systems, Slot said: “We are looking again if we can deplete our store of what we still have, but that will be difficult.” Last week, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said that the military organization “has mapped out existing capabilities across the alliance and there are systems that can be made available to Ukraine.” He did not name the countries that possess Patriots.
What if Russia really was winning and Russia didn’t have to pay nobody college sports forum posters to pretend that it was ? Put it another way, what if all the bluster of a majority of nobody college sports forum posters couldn’t change the fact that Russia was winning ?
the sanctions are continuing to tighten as the world realizes it has alternatives in place to meet the energy demand Tightening the Noose: EU Plans to Strike at Russia’s Clandestine Shipping and LNG Imports in New Sanctions ( As the European Union prepares its 14th round of sanctions against Russia, officials are targeting illicit maritime operations and LNG imports. Tobias Billstrom, Sweden’s Foreign Minister, emphasized on April 22, according to a Reuters report, the necessity for the EU’s new measures to disrupt Russia’s use of a shadow fleet of tankers to bypass existing oil sanctions. In response to Russia’s aggressive military actions in Ukraine, the EU has enacted 13 sets of sanctions designed to weaken Russian economic activity and hinder the prosecution of the war. Valdis Dombrovskis, the EU Executive Vice President, has previewed that the upcoming 14th sanctions package will aim to tackle Russia’s evasion tactics, especially with regard to oil transported by sea. At an EU foreign ministers’ assembly in Luxembourg, Billstrom stated, “the 14th sanctions package is crucial and should focus on banning the import of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from Russia, alongside taking measures against the shadow tanker fleet.” Despite December’s $60-per-barrel price cap on Russian maritime oil, imposed by the EU, U.S., and G7, Russia has largely skirted the effects through. Moreover, European nations have continued purchasing significant quantities of Russian LNG. On April 11, the European Parliament enabled member states to prohibit these imports, following the lead of several countries, including the U.K., Latvia, and Lithuania, who have implemented their bans.
Russia is a paper tiger. But 660,000 heavily armed and well-fortified Ukrainian troops, bolstered by eight conscriptions, and receiving hundreds of weapons and aid from 40+ nations, is not enough to prevent Russia from taking 20% of the country.
EU must step up in a coordinated effort of support. One issue is they literally don’t have the capabilities we do. But they can provide anti air. Our support is limited and I’ll be surprised they get another aid package in 2025. We could have a new potus, no telling how congress will look and/or we could be in turmoil. eg Jan 6.
Biden should have enacted the war defense act long time ago to increase patriot production among other things. He can still do it. EU nations not wanting to give up their patriots when they have the cover of NATO is stupid. Do they think they are going to come under attack with NATO ready to defend them?
Yep, that’s been the refrain repeatedly during Russia’s invasion. Countries concerned to a fault about their own defenses. But especially with Patriots as that is anti air defense and proving to be most effective. And agree we’ve slow-rolled our support to Ukraine from even before the start. I get why we can’t just send them older equipment without congressional controls, but take the Bradley. We have an inventory of 5000+ and now building the next gen. We sent Ukraine roughly 180 of a much older variant. And they have been elated with the performance in battle. Both offensively and protecting the crew.
Hopefully it was decoys per article. Ukraine can’t get air defense fast enough. Imo this is where f16s will help - with air defense over the homeland.