This aid package is opposed by roughly 2/3 of Americans so MTG is more pro democracy than you. Corrupt Ukrainian officials will flee with much of the cash this deal will generate. George Soros and BlackRock will be bailed out from their bad Ukrainian investments (imo). This deal will cause more young Ukrainians to die. Young Ukrainian males, who are already at catastrophically low numbers will be liquidated. The US neocons rejoice in the deaths of Ukrainian and Russian gentiles because they hate them for religious, racial and ethnic reasons.. Do you think Victoria Nuland feels bad about the deaths of 500k to 1MM people in this war? war? She hates all oppressors of Jews: Germany, Russia, Ukraine. are the big 3 possibly followed by Poland.
It is unlikely 2/3 of Americans can find Ukraine on a 1 country map of Ukraine. It is why the founding fathers created the Electoral College. They knew the day would come when 2/3 of Americans would be too stupid and/ignorant to vote for important things.
Rs voted down $20 billion for the border. They have only themselves to blame for not supporting the bipartisan bill. As for Ukrainian corruption, Zelensky and his administration were rooting it out before Putin and Russia invaded. Zelensky wants Ukraine to join NATO. One condition both the US and EU countries had was no more corruption. Before Zelensky, Putin controlled much of Ukraine with de facto, corrupt agents. Last, someone needs to check their math. 60% of Americans support the war, and even more support sending aid.
Just one comment. When Mexico sends drones and missiles aimed at US cities and infrastructure along with well 100,000 troops including artillery and armor a comparison between aid to Ukraine and insufficient funding of security along the Southern border will be valid and by the way let's not forget that the House Republicans under the Leadership of Mike Johnson acting under the direction of Donald Trump have been blocking a bipartisan bill that would substantially increasing funding for security at the Southern border.
And as he articulated in Federalist Paper No. 68 Alexander Hamilton proposed an Electoral College to prevent the election to the presidency of a talented demagogue unsuited for the office. He could have never envisioned that it was precisely as the result of the EC that the type of candidate that he feared would be elected. From Federalist No. 68: The process of election (the EC) affords a moral certainty, that the office of President will never fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications. Talents for low intrigue, and the little arts of popularity, may alone suffice to elevate a man to the first honors in a single State; but it will require other talents, and a different kind of merit, to establish him in the esteem and confidence of the whole Union.
Our country isn’t directly governed by the outcome of various, random polls. And maga should be thankful we don’t with the crazy s*** they attempt. For example, here’s a good start: But, if we want to look at polls on Ukraine, here are 3 over last 2+ months. All well within the window of current discussions of the latest funding efforts. 4/9-12 poll “A majority of Americans (53%) support sending weapons and military aid to Ukraine, according to a new CBS News poll” Majority of Americans support sending aid to Ukraine, poll says 3/1-17 poll “Fifty-five percent of Americans think the U.S. should continue to support Ukraine in reclaiming its territory, even if that requires prolonged involvement, rather than ending the conflict as quickly as possible,“ More Americans Say U.S. Is Not Helping Ukraine Enough 2/16-18 poll “Six in 10 Americans favor providing both economic assistance to Ukraine and sending additional arms and military supplies to the Ukrainian government” Americans Continue to Support Military and Economic Aid to Ukraine.
I’ll give Johnson credit for at least acting like an adult on this and other occasions. He has also helped to avoid govt shutdowns. It would have been nice if he grew his stones a few months sooner.
It has undoubtedly hurt, but if Ukraine can hold on until aid gets there I’m not sure it will make a huge difference in the long term outcome. Europe has actually been stepping up, which is a long term plus, and Ukraine has adapted to more of a defensive posture vs an offensive one. Unless we are willing to escalate and support Ukraine with air defenses I don’t think Ukraine will ever have the ability to drive Russia out, but they can stay put and inflict a lot of damage on Russia in perpetuity.
Just becasue the Dems like sending money to a despot dictator like Zelenski (A failed "B" actor) doesn't mean the Pubs like Putin. This is a sad attempt to draw attention away from laundering money that We The People are paying back with interest.
Even Murdoch's NY Post is calling MTG, "Moscow Margie." They showed Johnson something in a SCIF about Ukraine that changed his tune on a dime. Or maybe they showed him some phone or financial records of his that were highly suspicious? More republicans in the house voted against Ukraine aid than for it. The GOP has been compromised by Putin.