The title says it all. House passes Ukraine aid bill I expect Marjorie Taylor Greene to go ahead and introduce her motion to vacate the chair with the final result being a likely failure thanks to enough Democratic House members voting to retain Mike Johnson as Speaker.
S Still somewhat hard to believe although not surprising in the least the vote confirms that the Republican Party of today has devolved from the party of Ronald Reagan to the party of Vladimir Putin and his trusty puppet Donald Trump.
Mike Johnson acting like the congressional bill is different in some substantive way. I am glad he finally got them going forward though.
Oh, right. They'll "have to." Because there's no other course of action besides continuing to invade Ukraine. Because Ukraine is a neo-Nazi state intent upon annexing Russia. Just ask Putin, Marjorie Taylor Greene, or most members of today's Trumppublican party.
…. this bill was brought to the house floor for a fair vote. which is how our gov should work. The MTG sect didn’t even want it to be voted on. Who again is pro-democracy?
A great day for Ukraine, the USA, NATO, the UN, Europe, the world's democracies and thinking people everywhere.