No. We have too many problems in our own backyard and a massive debt. We already gave Ukraine an unprecedented military aid package (over $100 billion) with the premise that it would be used to mount a major offensive starting last spring. Ukraine actually managed a small loss of territory last year. Why would I want to continue dumping American taxpayer dollars into something that is a black hole, when we have literally kids starving in this country and their families can't qualify for food stamps? Seniors can't get more than a lousy 3.2% COLA to their Social Security benefits. America can better project strength by taking care of her own, not buy funding proxy fights on foreign soil. Especially ones that are losing ground and have been for quite some time.
@homer @slayerxing Just calling it as I see it, like everyone else in this thread. I just don't see Russia as much of threat (at all, really) like y'all do, and just like y'all (conversely), I'm at least as perplexed at the failure to see the threat that China poses, and the harm we're doing to ourselves.
I see it as a problem that we see “threats.” It could be a vision problem. I mean, if you’re seeing floaters and flashes for more than a year, maybe you should see an ophthalmologist.
We have military hardware in storage that will never be used. Tons and tons of it. Hardware that Ukraine can use. Why not give them those?
Interesting take, given that the justification Putinova gave for invading Ukraine--which you have championed--is the *threat* posed by NATO, nuzzling up to Russia. IOW, I suppose your point is well taken, provided you're including yourself and your school of thought in that post--along with the rest of us. (noting that you started with "we see threats" then shifted to 2nd person with your eyesight analogy).
Don't apologize, you read him correctly. The last words of his post belie his protestations of honest reporting. The posting history belies his protestations of honest reporting.
Personally I hope Russia wins. You all just want Ukraine to destroy Russia since Russia is essentially the last major majority white country that is proud to be white and isn’t destroying their culture in the name of political correctness or immigration. You hate that Russians love their country and are proud to be white.
What the hells wrong with peace?!?! Why feed the flames that are killing off way more Ukranians than Russians, rather than getting both sides to the #@$%n table and hammering out a long over due flipp'n peace accord? Just bc we have killn toys doesn't mean we need to kill ppl with them (or get them into hands for killn folk). Geeeeezzzz....
What color/race are Ukranians? Seems like, if anything, someone's getting a helluva a kick out of white folk killing off white folk.
That’s why I want Ukraine to surrender. To stop the needless killing. Biden and the left love seeing whites killing other whites. Makes the planned white genocide so much easier.
I really don't think race is much of an issue to the power brokers involved, but I could be mistaken. Just haven't seen anything to buttress such a supposition, besides the mutual allegations that the other side is fascist Nazi.
Murica-think is some funny stuff … Hitler couldn’t have a leftist because he hated the communists so communists clearly weren’t Nazis —> Putin is a communist —> Putin invaded Ukraine to kill people who consider themselves Nazis so he’s a Nazi
You seem to suggest that last line with a hint of irony. I'd submit that commie and Nazi are 2 sides of the same coin. ...but more to the point--that shit ain't "murical think"--it came from Putinova her ownsef. She claimed Zelensky (who's Jewish) was a Nazi fascist and that they were fighting the good fight against the nazis, and the ukes claimed the Russian were now nazi (though they were commie for > 50 years). How's that "murica think"?
Are you going to tell me “extremes meet” ? Give me a heads-up because that always makes me a little dizzy.
I'm saying tyranny is tyranny regardless of the denomination... --AND MORE SALIENTLY-- That aspect was categorically NOT introduced by the US. It's a pissing contest bt Z and Putinova, the latter having drawn first blood. Your turn--tell me how you propose to project that foolishness on the US?
I don’t agree with the premise. I’m not one of those straining to be objective “Yes, Putin’s a thug, but” types. If I slap you after you’ve been poking me in the ribs, for over a decade, does that make me a tyrant ?
do you believe that Russia runs a massive misinformation campaign in the US to create internal division? Do you consider that a htreat?