Missing from that great insight--the part where murica (unlike Hitler and Napoleon before)--gives enough of a shit about Russia to bother to go into Russia--which I addressed in my prior post--ie Alaska. It's simply redundant.
Sorry for the harsh reality, but Russia is a bad joke. If America collapses, it will be by our own hand--which the Chicoms seem to be doing a masterful job of manipulating to turn our own lethal weapons against our selves. Hence our real adversary is our whore leaders, doing chicoms' bidding. The Russian circus bear is mere entertainment for distraction's sake. ...on a tab paid in Ukranian blood. All hail uber hero Z-man!!!
Well, it is true that Biden fears Israel advancing on … Haifa! But the bad joke was the way we were sure we could weaken Russia and cleave it from China. D’oh!
So your post was a lie. Besides, pubs have come out and said it was the strongest border bill in decades and they wouldn't get anything stronger. Pubs are also under standing orders to keep the border ugly to make it an election issue. Without even getting into the ridiculous name calling, your objections are completely meritless.
I suppose it hasn't occurred to you, that a strong (just not too strong) Russia, is actually rather valuable to us? Have you not heard the war drums beating, to get the pearls a clutching...in order to loosen the purse stings, for more bonanza for the MIC? Russia is very useful for getting even once dove-ish peace-niks to go full war monger at the subconscious beckoning of invisible forces... And China you say? Playing both ends against the middle, coaxing Russia to kill off Ukranian Russians by the million while parading all of its military might for the world to dissect and analyze, the US to commit suicide by drunken sailor debt spending, erasing its own borders, welcoming terrorists, gangs, drug n fenty dealers and chicom spies etc by the hundred grand.... ....as they patiently await for the opportune moment to usher in a new chicom world order...
Whatever. Doh Biden wet his bed, let him sleep in the puddle of his own making. With love, /s/the expendable MAGAT deplorables
Watched the latest update from the ground, with geolocated footage, etc. Russians continue to advance. Tick tock, tick tock.....
Btw, try this on for kix--a Russo American alliance. Who wouldn't want to see that? Why, we can start with da chicoms, proceed to the MIC, throw in uber hero Zman, all thr corrupt polys who Ukr laundered money for over the decades... And you start to see a very interesting coalition of convenient beneficiaries of Russians v Ukrainian Russians, and the illusion of Russia v US, by extension. PS--with respect...Putinova is being played like a stratovarious here. ie--he ain't no genius.
Call em what you want. To those that were murdered, raped, stolen from, houses destroyed, belongings stolen, kidnapped, etc., I doubt they care what you or I call them. But you do you and turn away.
He’s another Republican that thinks he is the most informed smartest person in the room and everyone else is sheeple
Holy shit the word vomit from the russophiles is insane. I guess the idea of Ukraine aid has gotten them all upset. I love the deflecting to China. How can you not see that standing up to Russia is actually also standing up to China? I mean one of the big aid bills is for Taiwan also. Not that you or any person influenced like you are cares.
US and Russia … One country has been at war 93% of its existence and has engineered 200 military interventions since the end of the Cold alone, 400 since WWII. The other country is Russia.
No cheering whatsoever. I simply relayed what I saw. Are we supposed to be dishonest? That is a strange standard, if so.
The U.S. isn’t equipped to fight one war, let alone two. It’s why the U.S. fights wars with other countries troops. And it can’t even win that way. See: Ukraine.