Do you think there is a way to challenge popular trans-positive ideas without being labeled "transphobic?" If yes, then yes, I do believe in such a thing called "transphobia." If not, then no. Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
Yes, I do. For example "transmisia." What's Transphobia and Transmisia? And thank you for proving my point that this topic is about gender identity.
if you’d don’t know if there is such a thing as sexual identity, then you should bow out of the conversation.
Well..."Bro" ...then she is lying. No chance she wants biological men playing the game women have worked so hard to build. Zero chance. My daughters will already face an uneven playing field in life because of the failure of our country (still) to have equality. But some one to increase the inequality. It's nuts and its just a contrarian political position that does not move our society forward.
Nah, that non-answer would get her crucified. She would be labeled cruel, transphobic and a bigot. That’s where we are at.
Because you don't have foundational knowledge to engage in the conversation. And no. Not wasting my time.
"I don't agree with her. Therefore, she must secretly believe what I believe and be lying." Tilly, stop. You are entitled to your opinion, but you're not entitled to tell Dawn Staley what she actually believes. She made it clear what she believes, for better or worse.
Then I will presume that you don't know about it either, but needed to stick your nose in and be rude. Otherwise, feel free to educate us all on your knowledge about sex identity. Here, I'll help you out: Gender has identity implications. Sex is a label based upon genitals and chromosomes and not identity-based. So maybe you should have spared us your rudeness. It woulda also saved you from appearing ignorant on the issue.
This is from the best show on TV right now. It comes from a different context, but feels applicable to this thread. Note: Last night's episode especially had a wonderful example of a character motivated by strong Christian belief and trying to live in orthopraxis despite difficult circumstances. Mariko-san is just a wonderful character:
I can’t teach you about your sexual identity. You’ll have to learn it for yourself. As an aside when the ilk ask one to explain something they’re not interested in the reply they’re trying to waste one’s time. Which you to your credit have done.