I just paid my taxes. Biden's pandering on student loans will end up costing us all more. atta boy joe, sell what little soul you have left for more votes, too hell with those of us with no school debt, you know, the ones who if they had them payed them off, will they get reimbursed for doing the right thing instead of paying nothing and praying for joe to rescue them?
You dont think this happens on both sides. Just the first example that comes to mind, Trump gave a massive government kickback in 2017 to people buying private jets…. “ to hell with those of us without private jets”.
Transactional politics ... why, that's cheating! We should vote for the most attractive person or who you'd like to have a beer with like smart citizenly gentleman.
Who cares how many… we could fill this thread with examples of either side giving their base the breaks they want. I was lucky enough to graduate without debt because my parents paid for almost everything, and I had two part time jobs. Now, I’m doing the same for my kids. My son just graduated with zero debt. And the amount that student loan forgiveness bothers me is ZERO. College should be free for bright kids getting worthwhile degrees.
you and your kids should be congratulated on doing things the right way, w/o borrowing.the main thing i have about loan forgivness is most entered into the loan knowing the terms and consequences of taking out the loan, and many used loans to get degrees that are basically worthless, just went to college on uncle sam's dime and now want a bailout, using my and your taxes to do so. again, why no repay to those who paid in full, i am sure enduring sacrifices doing so.
I wonder if there's a relationship between those who never went to college and those who complain the loudest about student debt forgiveness. I also have to wonder if those who so complain have any idea which group of students are having their debt forgiven and why.
Weird thing to congratulate anyone for, especially if the kid didnt save up the money lol. Lets give 3 cheers for the people that can pay cash for a house too I guess? Hooray for not having to finance things people consider necessary because you have enough money up front!
if talking abou me i went to uf for 4 years, worked in the summer and in school to help my parents pay, so don't try that crap on me
Thank you. @buckeyegator should be completely embarrassed by not taking two minutes to look into this and see who is benefiting from this forgiveness policy. Instead, he's too busy looking into how much California's McDonald's employees are making.
Joe could have my vote by forgiving my credit card debt. Or paying it off for me. Or just giving me some money.
does it matter, the fact is people are not be made to be held to an agreement they made, if the cannot abide by it they never should have taken the money.i guess being older and from a time where people held up their end of a bargain or agreement means more to me than those looking for a buyout
Exactly, I wasn't looking for praise ... that's why I said I was "lucky" to have parents that can pay for college, not that I'm an example everyone should follow. There are a lot of people that should go to college, but can't afford it, and their parents can't afford it. I mean, the perfect example is teachers ... it's a worthwhile degree to get into a profession that doesn't pay enough to make college a financially sound decision.
lets try this. you are a landlord who has tennants that owe a year's worth of rent and will not pay. all of a sudden the federal government says anyone over 1 month behind in rent is now forgiven, how would you feel about those living now rent free using your building and making you pay for the upkeep w/o their help?
guess what it boils down to is i believe people who enter into a contract, which the loans were, should abide buy the contract, and biden and the federal government have no right to void and nullify that agreement, ie forgiving the loan. live involves consequences and decisions, make a bad one you need to own up to it, not hope to be bailed out.
Im not a fan of student loan forgiveness EXCEPT for anyone hoodwinked by for profit colleges and hardships. The government backing for profit loans is criminal. Anyway, college grads are statistically better off with a loan and a degree than Joe Schmo who didnt get a loan and a degree. Id be more inclined to make borrowing easier for future students to increase access rather than wipe away debt. University of Miami's new dorms. Anyone getting forgiveness for living in that bougie place should be smacked in the face with a wet sock.