This was already done. In the 90s, we passed welfare reform. Temporary Aid for Needy Families, which is the welfare program now, only allows a user to stay on aid for five years over their entire lifetime, with a recipient needing a job within 3 years of receiving the aid. Currently, the number of people receiving aid is about 15% of the totals from prior to this reform (with a much larger population). So that doesn't seem like a plan going forward really. In terms of college students, what government checks are you discussing?
Job Biden having more created in his term than any other president is a fact. I'm sorry that you are mad at facts. Facts are the enemy of MAGA cult.
Typical hypocrisy of a creepy joe apologist. Bellyaching about insults then spew insults. Right on script- amazing!... And of course your spin has no integrity, just like creepy joe and hunter on a cocaine binge. I didn’t discount the job growth. I simply pointed out other than big government deficit spending, creepy joe had nothing to do with it.
Your opinion might make a tiny shred of sense, if it were not for that little pesky FACT that Biden reduced the deficit while setting his job creation record. Opps. There I go again with FACTS. I bet that triggers you something fierce.
Sure, but if the proposed solution is to get more people to work in order to solve labor shortages, a historically high participation rate seems to be a pretty big issue holding back that solution.
LOL. I’ve posted plenty. You are either too ignorant to understand or just not smart enough. I’ll let you decide which one you are.
Tell us that you know nothing about welfare in the United States without telling us that you know nothing about welfare in the United States. Also really digging that 'Creepy Joe' thing. Its not quite as good as Rapey Don, or Donald the Rapist, but hey, ya work with what you've got.
How do you explain 75% of the country thinks Biden hasn’t been good? Congrats you are in the minority LOL! Damning liberal New York Times poll finds that just 25 percent of Americans view Biden's term as mostly good for America compared to nearly half who view Trump's the same way | Daily Mail Online
How do you explain not being able to understand that the poll doesn't say "75% of the country thinks Biden hasn’t been good"? Ignorance? Stupidity? Dishonesty?
You must struggle with reading comprehension. Maybe this time have someone read it to you so you can understand it better. Don’t make up lies about me. It’s a bad look.
I’d explain but you wouldn’t remember this conversation. You still think you posted 5 examples in this thread? Such a specific number to just make up, or fantasize about. Was probably post #i. It’s an imaginary number.
You said too many people were on welfare yet more people are working than ever and a record low are unemployed. It’s lazy and uninformed to blame poor people for whatever your complaint is. I mean you’re calling people lazy but you are too lazy to look into what you are talking about. Ironic.
This is hilarious. Do you understand what “like 5 times” means? Means similar to, doesn’t have to be exact. You keep making yourself look more foolish by the post. Didn’t think you would be this obtuse, but obviously I was wrong thinking you understand some words. I’ll dumb it down for you next time…
I'm sensing a "sport", "skippy" or "swing and a miss" coming up. Or calling someone foolish. Imagine being a grown adult (presumably), and being so invested in defending your fragile little ego on a public message board that you find a new person every day to insult and go back and forth with, while spending an inordinate amount of time checking to see......if your ego needed defending from the latest comment. Sad. #SAD!!