It's too easy to just disagree with the obvious fallacies of this post. But to take a 'glass is half full' approach; this post offers one of the most concise examples of current right wing thought regarding their abandonment of objective reality, and embrace of alternative facts. Rarely do they actually come right out and say that any old bull***t they agree with should be considered factual, and that they have no regard for standards in journalism. But this honesty is refreshing.
Oh, OK. But maybe you can help me understand this: If the military has made recruiting transgenders an important priority, as the OP claimed, wouldn't the mainstream media be all over that? Why would the MSM (being so far left and therefore pro-trans) want to trumpet the fact that trans are so important and the military is so pro-trans? Why would it cover that up?
And there are no mentally ill gay or straight military members? The suicide rate alone would beg to differ. That’s not the point of the OP and you know it. I’m fine if the guy who started the thread doesn't want trans in the military-that’s his choice to make-it’s the lack of owning it and then moving the goal posts when called out that’s disingenuous. And it’s hilarious to see all the righties on here whine that all the lefties do is congregate and say mean things to them (poor snowflakes) while doing the same exact damn thing. Pot meet kettle.
The thread really hasn't discussed the importance of various talents needed in a modern military besides just physical combat, which is where I assume the OP was directing the conversation i.e. trans people are incapable of physical combat therefore, the military is caput and it's Biden's fault. Alan Turing was recognized for his role and importance in the Allies victory in WWII through his computational and mathematical genius. And sadly known for being criminalized after the war for being a gay person, being forced to go through chemical castration or face jail, and dying, presumed by suicide. He never fired a gun but saved thousands of lives. Much of our modern computing, AI, and warfare is based on his genius. How many hetero, gay or trans people in our military today have similar genius that contributes significantly to our overall military strength? Does it matter if they are hetero, gay or trans if they have a love for the country and want to serve in a capacity that takes advantage of their skills and expertise?
I hope everyone here realizes that treating people poorly for being gay or darker skinned is evil. It just confuses me when people don’t see they are doing it again to trans people. It’s literally .1 percent of the population. Allowing them to be themselves isn’t hurting anyone.
I don't understand it either, though cynically I think to distract from the true intent of gaining power and realizing the 0.1% is OK to victimize because they are a small voting block.
I know I am being optimistic thinking that Trumpers know racism and sexism is wrong. It seems to be a feature rather than a bug.
I would say more of a necessity than a bug, but I get what you are saying. You know you are on the moral side of a topic when Orange and Bluke disagrees with you, so good job.
Dear OP, When you constantly google a given topic (say transgender porn), Google News has a tendency to think you are interested in that and will greatly increase the amount of transgender info you see in your news feed. The more you know.
I have a hard time believing any transgenders are serving out of a sense of patriotic duty. Most likely just collecting a pay check.
I have a hard time believing any hetero are serving out of military sense of patriotic duty. Most likely just collecting a pay check. See how mindless that is?