BONIFAY, Fla. (AP) — A woman checked out of a Florida hotel and told staff that she was going on a God-directed shooting spree because of the solar eclipse, then shot two drivers on Interstate 10 before being arrested and charged with attempted murder Monday, according to the Florida Highway Patrol. Woman Goes On Highway Shooting Spree, Says God Told Her To Because Of Eclipse
This story is almost identical to a crazy lady here in southern California who killed her boyfriend and then left her two young kids on the highway (one hit by a car and died). Crazy lady crashed into a tree in front of the church I attend here in Redondo Beach. Hope my priest threw some holy water on her. In a post days before the murder, she called Monday's eclipse "the epitome of spiritual warfare" and said, "If you ever needed to pick a side, the time to do right in your life is now." MSN
Often these people aren’t religious zealots, they are untreated people with psychotic features with pronounced religiosity. Very common in schizophrenia/schizoaffective D/O. I’m sure some will be along to blame the church.
Maybe because she said she was going on a "God-directed shooting spree"? Also, unless I'm mistaken weren't you the poster who was recently all over someone's a$$ due to that person saying they could diagnose certain mental disorders from watching video clips? He was wrong according to you, but you can do it from reading a website article? OK.
He began his post by saying “often these people.” I read that to mean he was giving us generalized background based upon his medical experience, not diagnosing her.
I think what he's saying is: she cray-cray. While she did claim God as a pretext, it's hard to place the blame for her actions solely at the feet of "religion". Cray gonna cray. If there were suddenly no religion, if it had never existed, this woman likely just uses some other pretext because she's clearly got some substantial issues going on.
I get that but I think we can make the same argument for a lot of suicide bombers, snake handling Christian’s and the like.
Just because you've never been commanded to go on a shooting spree doesn't mean that, other people haven't.
If this lady had instead strapped a bomb to her chest and blew herself up in the name of Allah I don’t think she’d be getting any “schizophrenia/mental illness” excuses
I mean, how do we know God didn't tell her to shoot those people? God was very chatty with people in the old testament, including instructing people to kill (multiple genocides, really). Why do people automatically assume she is mentally ill, but believe in and worship a God that commanded people to commit much great atrocities than this?
If a male suicide bomber gets rewarded with 72 virgins, what does a female suicide bomber get rewarded with? (Assuming she's straight.)
If you’ve never met a clinically diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic and seen first hand how much sway that condition has on someone I would refrain from commenting. I have dealt with such people first hand, and I would not be surprised if someone with that diagnosis carried out something like this. If you’ve known someone with that condition, then you’d realize they are quite capable of becoming deluded to the point of doing insane things with an irrational and unshakable conviction that they are doing the right thing.