No not at all, a growing economy and increased jobs is great for the country, but are you just going to ignore that a very large portion of the jobs, you give credit to Biden for, were simply people going back to work after the pandemic and can hardly be judged as jobs creation?
You didn't know the president has a "make economy good" and "make economy bad" button in his office? It has really simplified things, even an octogenarian can do it.
Apparently Fox did address the jobs report on its broadcast.
To be fair this was a phenomenon during Obama's presidency. Every positive job report was met by Republicans with skepticism, even questioning the reporting methods used for decades, and disdain. Then all of a sudden the numbers were perfect when Trump was in office! Edit: and when crisis struck for Trump all the excuses came out, ignoring Obama started his presidency under the great recession and ended well at end of his terms.
Rick Santelli on CNBC re March Jobs report “WOW”. “JUICY!” “Tip of the hat to Joe.” (Left unsaid) ‘WOW!’ CNBC Anchor Rick Santelli Stunned Over ‘Juicy’ Blockbuster Jobs Report And labor force participation. Wow! 62.7 62.7. That is a nice jump. We are at 62.5 last month and 62.6 was expected. So these numbers are definitely stronger than expected.
What do you mean? Likelihood refers to how often they posted it, not a prediction. Here is the post: US Core inflation level lowest in 3 years
Nobody thinks those thoughtless pictures you post are funny. They might have been laughing at someone bothering to post on a political message board, but only adding a GIF.....
I'd be really surprised if, during the Trump administration, you had a major news outlet ignore the monthly jobs report because the numbers were good.
More incorrect MAGA math
— Not ignored, but I remember watching CNN when a successful job report came out when Trump was in office. It was not listed among the top stories. It was mentioned several minutes into the broadcast. The panel acknowledged it, but then proceeded to give Obama credit for getting the country headed in the right direction. They took a shot at Trump for trying to take credit for this. They said there was no way Trump could sustain it. They then went to another story. At no time, did they mention this was a good thing. They just made sure to mention that this wasn’t Trump’s doing. I think good news should be praised on all media outlets. As a conservative, I am perfectly fine with Fox reporting this as a positive, and even giving Biden credit. But I wonder how many lefties would revolt if CNN did a story giving Trump credit for something? That anchor may be fired the next day. I wish that weren’t so though.
Well that is false. Full-time employed increased from 131,815,000 to 132,070,000. What "catturd" was doing was utilizing the seasonal adjustments for those stats (without stating so). Also he ommitted that the biggest industry increase was in health care, with large increases in construction, leisure and hospitality, and retail.