I don't pay any attention to cigarettes, didn't know all flavors except menthol were banned in 2009. There's been a push to ban menthol ever since. Plenty of opposition, of course. It's more than one-third of the market. Lawsuit seeks to force ban on menthol cigarettes after months of delays by Biden administration
Adults in America should have the right to smoke menthol cigarettes if they so choose. The information on the deleterious and harmful effects of smoking is readily available to help inform decisions. I don’t need to be protected from myself.
I'd gladly trade pharmaceutical advertising for cigarette advertising 60's style. Newport ads were the best. And of course the actors should be more diverse. I'd love to see the one about the board meeting reshot and rewritten by Dave Chappelle, with him as the "third employee."
Disagree, if you are going to smoke, you should have to smoke the hard stuff. Lets ban filtered cigarettes too. Lets bring back rolling your own and cigarette cases like its 1940.
What a lot of people don't realize is blacks smoke way more menthol cigs than whites. I smoked Kools for years, the blacks I worked with were much more likely to come to me to bum a smoke than to go to someone smoking non-menthol. Then about 25 years ago I switched to Salems. I can't tell you how many store clerks in the last 25 years have told me I was the only white dude who buys Salems.
Back when I was in high school in the 70's we had a place out in back of the school called Smokey Bear Park for the students to smoke. Most white kids smoked Marlboro's and black kids smoked Kools. I started smoking when I was young. I was lucky enough to quit years ago but I liked to smoke. It is very addicting for sure.
A big demo for menthols is also guys who smoke behind their wives/girlfriends backs, a little less work covering your tracks
It's a mentioned in all the stories about about the menthol ban. Including multiple times in the story that started the thread.
Based on what little I’ve followed, the “flavored cigarettes” were banned because that’s what children gravitated towards. Not that they had any particular extra health risk compared to regular cigarettes? If that was the case, not sure why menthol should be “exempted”. I mostly agree with you otherwise. I’m for decriminalizing of drugs, so it would be hypocritical to ban them entirely. But I think regulation of the legal products is fair game, esp where it’s more aimed at kids.
mid 80s spring break Daytona. Kool hired young women to give out free packs. At entrances of hotels, bars, on sidewalks, walking to the beach. Unopened packs were everywhere. I smoked like a fiend. Fortunately it didn’t take. Interesting mrkting.
"...when I'm watchin' my TV and a man comes on and tells me....how white my shirts can be.. .but, he can't be a man 'cause he doesn't smoke...the same cigarettes as me..." Not sure Mr. Jagger would agree.
yep. I had an older sister, so I started out on Virginia Slims. But, I developed my own taste for 'em & smoked various menthol brands at UF. Heading to the zone of totality after work today....gonna meet up with old gators. Buying a pack of smokes for the festivities. Camel now makes a dual cig, where you can convert it to menthol by pinching the filter. prob get those.
Yo mods. @tilly, @OklahomaGator Any time I try to post with the word M@ - rketin', my post gets held up. Just now when I tried to ans @PITBOSS's post, same thing cuz his post contained the word. BUT, obv, his post happened (was it with delay too???) This has been happening for years.
This is a moral dilemma versus freedom to smoke a cigarette. I think we'd be in a batter place if menthol cigarettes weren't invented in the first place, but to take it away now seems a bit less democratic than if those smokes were never allowed to be made in the first place. It's almost like candy coating a carcinogenic and asking kids not to consume it.