Popped by to note we now have 15 pages because Easter is on a floating date and happened to coincide with a triggering event for the OP. People have become so soft.
Question: What do the staff at that Hilton, Rufo and Monk have in common? Answer: Unfamiliarity with the concept of discrimination. PSA for Monk: It's OK to "discriminate" against serial killers.
The phones the kids use to access tik tok are most likely bought and paid for by the parents. Yea, disrespect the parent. lol
Considering the respective posting histories, I doubt either of you actually listened to the entire thing. Had you done so, you would have realized the advice was specifically targeted for those dealing with "narcissistic parents" or "bullying bosses." You know, Trump-like people. Given that, the advice given was actually not a bad way to diffuse the situations and limit the confrontations. Had Trump staffers seen that video...be innocent, don't feel guilt and avoid contact...perhaps some would have lasted longer. So, sorry to rain on your little mini parade, you two go run along and try to find something else in your endless quest to be indignant. Today is International Carrot Day and National Walk Around Things Day...maybe you two can find something there to work with.
Don’t show the crazed libbies this study. They kind of like to be confused and they are big fans of mental illness.
I would like to commend President Biden for his response to the criticism of this thread for moving National Trans day next year to 3 weeks prior to Easter. #MAGA
—- Potential leftist responses to this. - this isn’t a credible source, so I don’t believe it. - I haven’t heard this on CNN, so it can’t be true. - post something negative about Trump that has nothing to do with your post.
Exactly. If the libbies cared one iota for these confused children…they would condemn Biden and anyone else who celebrates this mental illness.
— Exactly. I don’t understand why they don’t just wait until they’re 18. Why is it so important to them, to let an eight-year-old cut off his genitalia? It’s really bizarre. They can hate DeSantis all they want, but he does make a good point that you can’t even get a tattoo until you’re 18. What’s the harm in waiting?