From what I’ve read, there is already a separate National Trannny Day and a National Transgender Week to go along with many other related LGBTQ “National” days, weeks and even months. For individuals who seem to preach that they want to be left alone to live their lives normally, there does seem at the same time to be an over-saturation of days recognizing a group that makes up such a small minority of our society. Again, when you look up the reason for the most recent National Day, one answer given is to recognize the great achievements of Transgenders. But, I still can’t figure out what amazing feats any of these people have done to be recognized?
I was pretty sure Biden didn't claim he hadn't made the proclamation. It looks like there's two issues going on: The proclamation for Transgender Day of Visibility and the rule against religious symbolism in the Easter egg art contest held each year at the White House. Conservatives jumped on both of them. Fox was all over Biden personally banning religious symbols before the trans proclamation took center stage. Mike Johnson was blasting Biden for both and that was apparently what Biden was responding to when he said he 'didn't do that:' He didn't set March 31 as the trans date. As has been noted, it's been set since 2009. He also didn't ban the religious symbols on the egg art. That's been the rule for more than 45 years, through every administration. Biden calls Johnson ‘uninformed’ over Easter criticism | The Hill Biden Hits Back at GOP’s ‘Uninformed’ Easter Culture War Now, of course, after misrepresenting the proclamation and the egg rules, rightwing media is claiming that Biden said he didn't issue the proclamation. An example of what Fox did with the decades-old rule about the egg art contest: Fox News eponoSrdts2r:38cilh141966mu20g3c81M305M2a4 80h t054 005a1Pu · BAD EGG: The White House is laying down new rules for the religious holiday tradition — no "religious symbols" or "overtly religious themes."
Does it affect your life in any way? I mean, you went years without knowing those days even existed, right?
I provided links to the Biden White House proclamation in 2021 where ZTR and-Vis day was formally established in the US. Further, on Good Friday 2024, the Biden White House issued a proclamation stating that Trans-Vis day would be celebrated on 3/31/34, which was Easter Sunday. KB can claim be did neither act …. but there is evidence he did. Why try to erroneously claim his misstatement was not such? It’s really silly and one of the problems many Americans have with the “holier than thou” progressive.
It was a day conceived in 2009 The history behind International Transgender Day of Visibility Rachel Crandall-Crocker, the creator of International Transgender Day of Visibility, wanted people to have a moment of happiness. So she made a Facebook post encouraging people to organize festivities in their hometowns and started messaging accounts from all over the world — it was worth a shot. “I’d been wanting there to be a special day for us for a long time,” she recalled. “And I was waiting and waiting for someone else to do it. And then finally I said, ‘I’m not waiting anymore. I’m going to do it.’” It was 2009, and at the time, the only annual event that most transgender communities had was nothing to celebrate. In 1998, Rita Hester, a Black transgender women in Boston, Massachusetts, was brutally stabbed in her own apartment. Transgender women were tired of being targets and done being dismissed by the press, which misgendered Hester. They marched through Hester’s Boston neighborhood, and Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR), a day honoring transgender homicide victims, was born. Crandall-Crocker sometimes attended the community funeral. She felt it was important. But when she did, it left her depressed for up to a week afterward. _______________ The history behind International Transgender Day of Visibility “I wanted a day that we can celebrate the living, and I wanted a day that all over the world we could be all together,” she said. So Crandall-Crocker, who had lost a marriage when she came out and a job as a psychotherapist when she transitioned, decided to create the day herself. March 31 would be International Transgender Day of Visibility. The date wasn’t significant as much as it was convenient. It was far enough away from TDOR in November and Pride Month in June that it wouldn’t conflict with either. From her home in Michigan, she organized a panel just outside of Detroit. Maybe people would come or see the Facebook post and hold their own events, she thought. Crandall-Crocker now talks about those early days with near disbelief. Millions of people now recognize March 31 as a day to celebrate transgender people worldwide. Every major LGBTQ+ rights organization recognizes Transgender Day of Visibility with community gatherings, panels and celebrations. Skyscrapers across the nation light up with light pink, blue and white — transgender pride colors — on the day.
As an aside - I like the way you formatted this response to River. Your usual order of putting your response before the post you're quoting is annoying, imo.
It's warfare against Christians is what it is! It's demonic! Easter has been replaced! And there's more ...
Could not have stated it any better, but watch, you won't convince anyone who's on the other side of this. You literally have to lie from the word "go" just to have a conversation about this issue that is anything different than what you just wrote.
Christians naturally looking for a rationale for the buffoonery. If it's an anti-Christian agenda driving this, then at least they can put a why to an issue that is so distorted you can't have an honest conversation about it - at all. Christians might have difficulty understanding that much of this is just people lying to people as a form of communication and not some hidden agenda to eradicate Christ from our public discourse. It's completely understandable. Yet, I agree with you, largely on this issue, Christians can rest assured these sorts of policies are not a byproduct of an anti-Christian movement per se, but simply a byproduct of delusional people with delusional thought processes.
Not one bit. Does it affect your life? Again, just wondering why we have all these official “National Days” to basically recognize a group that constantly tells us they want to be treated normally and be left alone?
As someone already pointed out, there’s tons of those days. A bunch on March 31 alone. So there’s likely many hundreds each year. Add in all the designated weeks and months, and it easily tops 1,000? So I don’t know. Maybe they help a cause or just make a group feel better?
Here we go: Trump vows to create 'Christian Visibility Day' following Biden's declaration of 'Trans Visibility Day'
LOL, DT strikes back! Trump Declares Election Day Will Be 'Christian Visibility Day' In Trans Event Snipe ( “What the hell was Biden thinking when he declared Easter Sunday to be trans visibility day?” Trump asked, drawing boos. “Such total disrespect to Christians.” “And November 5th is going to be called something else,” he continued, referring to Election Day. “You know what it’s going to be called? Christian Visibility Day, when Christians turn out in numbers that nobody has ever seen before.”
It’s April 3rd. Happy national tweed day everybody! It’s also National walking day. National find a rainbow day. National Chocolate Mousse Day. National film-score day. Did I miss any? After my evening walk tonight, gonna put on my tweed jacket and watch a film with its isolated film score soundtrack, while eating a chocolate mousse for desert. Gonna knock out 3 days all at once. The find a rainbow one might be hard, no rain in the forecast.
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