!&&p=e9b9...udXMvc3RhdGVfbmF0aW9uYWxfc3RhdHVzLnBocA&ntb=1 Have any if you heard of this or done any dive into what and who they are? I had never heard of this until my nephew's fiance's parents have just declared this what they are becoming. Most of you on this board are much more politically astute than I am and just wondered the thoughts?
My astute observation? These are exceptionally disturbed and dim witted people who don’t know the meaning of the word “Patriot”.
Thanks. Needed a good laugh. "Do your own research and you will find that there are a few very powerful families that have ruled over mankind since the beginning. These families, we will refer to them as the globalist, control almost everything we are exposed to. Modern times with computers have facilitated the process of controlling the populace. Everything is registered, documented, and tracked. The Globalist control all"
Took a couple of minutes to poke through the site. Checked out their history education section. Very first point was that DC should be 10 square miles rather than the current 70 square miles. Even quoted the Constitution saying 10 miles square, but couldn't figure out that 10 miles square is not the same as 10 square miles. Didn't keep reading.
In before someone ( an admin perhaps?) declares this group a white nationalist Christian hate group with a link to the SPLC as evidence.
All white nationalist Christo Fascist groups are hate groups. No link necessary as this is settled fact. I apologize for your confusion.
that will end up badly for them if they go down that rabbit hole. sad that there are so many willing to lead others astray
This is the political identity version of cryptocurrency. Create a framework that sounds inviting and just declare the whole thing to be true. Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
Most likely. There are a couple of black free citizen groups but they don’t use the word Patriot because the reject the notion they are Americans.
Never heard of it, but sounds like the same sort of cult as any other Sovereign Citizen movement. No point trying to understand their mentally divergent understanding of the legal process. American State Nationals: The newest group of sovereign citizens These are the sorts of people who drive around without license plates, then get pissed at law enforcement for pulling them over. Definitely wouldn’t get in a car with one of these nutbars.
I'm not defending them. I just want to know where you found that they were white nationalist. I guess you just think they are so they are? They may very well be a bunch of kooks but calling them white nationalists is not the same as calling them kooks.
I dont know if the group is explicitly white nationalist, but there is plenty of overlap with those types in who is interested in sovereign citizen stuff. They definitely arent kicking them out of the meetings.