I hadn't heard about it either. But it's been the lead story on the Fox website site all day. Currently, there's a NBA player who's really upset, not to mention Trump being outraged for Christians everywhere. But I think we need to thank those who have brought this to our attention. I mean, if American Christians hadn't been informed, they wouldn't have known they were being insulted and their Easters may not have been ruined. btw List of observances in the United States by presidential proclamation - Wikipedia
I don’t think being trans will doom you to hell. I have a saying,, you can’t help how you feel. I think, and I may be wrong that trans people have a mental disorder that makes them feel that way. What I won’t do is judge a person because I don’t know why or what has caused them to do things, feel certain ways, etc. I worked with a guy at Tampa FD that transitioned. He took off a year and went to Europe for his surgeries. He was Alan when he left and Alice when he/she came back. It was super weird to me at first knowing a guy for a while then a girl. I saw Alan not Alice. I went out of my way to speak with her. Alan/Alice was the best driver engineer I ever worked with and that’s saying a lot. Kept the engine spotless and inventoried. He was very introverted as a guy and even more so as a girl. I told many at the FD if I was starting a fire department that Alice would be my first hire.
I too have a hard time adjusting personally, but that’s on me. Good for you on Alan/Alice. I shared before that I have a deceased cousin who told us on her deathbed that she always thought she was a man. She would not have known the word transgender and was treated terribly by my family. This was years ago. She died with an unexpected amount of money and gave most of it to poor Spanish relatives in Asturias that always loved and respected her.
I mean, I am Catholic, which some "Christians" will argue (somehow) are not Christians, but either way, I did not hear about this during the sermon this morning at Mass. Still strange.
Since we're slightly more than half way through Easter Day, I would love to hear from those outraged by this designation how it has impacted or affected your lives today to any extent whatsoever other than, of course, giving you another opportunity to put your intolerance on full display. Any confrontations? Any attempted conversions? Any suspected grooming?
I think it is important to denote why holidays exist. Holiday comes from two words: Holy-Days. The purpose of a holy day is to mark something of fundamental importance so that it is never forgotten. It is to cement these fundamental things permanently into a culture's memory. If you read the Old Testament this was the purpose of Passover. It was the purpose of all of the various holy days in the Tanach. God did not want the people of Israel or their descendants to ever forget His goodness towards them in delivering them out of Egypt. This is also the purpose of Christmas and the purpose of Easter. It is to permanently remember that God came into the world, lived a perfect life, died condemned as a sinner, and then rose on the 3rd day. This is also the purpose of Independence Day, and MLK day. There are fundamental realities that deserve recognition and remembrance. So, when the office of the POTUS institutes a holiday it is implied that the contents of that holiday deserve to be permanently etched into the cultural memory of the nation. There is no clearer demonstration of the DNC's intentions for our country than what they have done to the calendar. That shows you their intentions, and it shows that they are at war with Christianity for the soul of the nation. They want to redefine our cultural values and cultural memory permanently. I have no problem with people who are gay or trans. I love them as Christ calls me to when I encounter them in the world around me. But for a party to look at the calendar as an imperialistic opportunity to rewrite and redefine the permanent fundamental cultural values and cultural memory of a nation is about the most arrogant thing that has ever emanated from the White House. It is actually orders of magnitude more arrogant than anything I've ever seen Trump do. This is the psychological warfare and the hubris of the Democrats. I reject their attempts to define and dictate my permanent cultural heritage and my cultural values.
I'm not outraged by it, but wanted to report back in after my previous post. Played trumpet last night for Easter Vigil and this morning for Easter Mass - no trans intrusions or references. Happy Easter all! He is risen!
You may have received some likes for this post and frankly, your approach in life to this subject is very similar to mine, but you made one statement bolded above that would send a lot of the wokies into orbit. They will forget everything you said after that statement and call you a bigot, because you had the audacity to suggest it's a mental disorder. But I'm like you, I do not judge. My biggest issue with it is the scam big pharma has going with parents and children on it. I suspect once you admit it's a mental disorder, that sort of puts the whole children thing in perspective. I think a lot of it is big pharma dollars pushing it, along with a pressure campaign to silence any dissent. It's something like I never thought I would ever see happen in my lifetime.
Waiting to hear how any Christian is being prevented from practicing their faith in this so called war on Christianity. Crickets.....
Warm Ramadan wishes for Muslims, Hanukkah wishes for Jews, and Kwanzaa greetings for its observers. For Christians on Easter? Happy Transgender Visibility Day. I do not acknowledge this pandering fool as my leader.
Pandering fool? Curious who you are referring to? Jews, Muslims, and Christians worship the same God, the God of Abraham. That’s a lot of people.
I would agree that Biden panders. No question about that. But the posters claiming this was done intentionally to coincide with Easter to condition Christians is just batshit tinfoil stuff.
Lol At least try to look for the truth. Such a sad, hateful life. All politicians pander, including those who say they aren't politicians, only businessmen. But to blast someone for not doing something when they did is even worse. What's funnier is you are whining about supposedly not being included and acknowledged. How does it feel? Yet you laugh at trans, blacks, and gays whining about wanting inclusion. Be better. Statement from President Joe Biden on Easter | The White House
Because I have two wonderful and woke daughters, I would hesitate to call it a "mental disorder", but I do agree it's not the norm. My father, RIP, drilled into us "don't judge a book by its cover, and never look down on another". It's essentially the "judge not lest ye be judged" message. Even as I fall short, it's been a guiding principle in my life. I've noticed that not everyone got that message at home. Indeed, I knew kids growing up whose families were racist and hateful. A few such people post here, usually just with a come on man, disagree or funny.