What's hilarious about what the OP posted is how none of it is the fault of Democrats: Border Issues: The SOTH won't bring the bipartisan border bill to a vote because it hurts Trump's candidacy to lose this as an issue. Everyday costs of goods: This is a a greedflation issue not inflation and the only way the government could solve it would be by the right's definition of socialism--interfering in private business to force them to reign in profits. NYC violence: As I mentioned earlier, deranged 4chan fans. BTW, NYPD has arrested some of these dweebs via finding them on surveillance video.
This is the end goal for the maga messaging: make the mere existence of the opposing political party an existential threat thereby giving reason to take any action regardless of the action's legality. This isn't about marginal tax rates, it's about our kids not getting murdered by the state! Get people to this point and you can do anything you want.
Yep a continuation of that false dichotomy: You are either a "real American" ergo maga or you are an America hating leftist radical communist. Daring to question or disagree with their orange god does not mean you hate America. Give it a rest.
Forget verification for porn. Adult children should have the ability to block their parents from viewing anger porn like this.
True, and clearly we agree, I just want to highlight that claiming that one party wants to actually kill the other party, not like dissolve the party, but openly kill all the people in that party - that's several steps beyond just calling some unpatriotic. Calling others un American was the simmer stage. Getting people fearing for their lives is the boiling stage.
Not that facts are considered, but dems and rinos wanted to pass a bill that per WSJ was “most restrictive migrant legislation in decades”. But maga thought they could help their cult leader by blocking it. Murphy says GOP voted against border bill to keep border ‘chaotic,’ help Trump campaign "A “border deal that actually reduced the flow of illegal immigration, that would be good for [President Biden] politically.” That is Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.), giving away the GOP’s cynical game on fixing the border. Cramer said this without a hint of shame in explaining his opposition to immigration reform." Trump’s cynical sabotage of immigration reform | The Hill WSJ: “By any honest reckoning, this is the most restrictive migrant legislation in decades. Previous immigration talks have involved trading security measures for legalizing more immigration. There is little of the latter in this bill—nothing for nearly all of the Dreamers who were brought here illegally as children, no general pathway to citizenship or green cards for most illegal immigrants already in the U.S. “ https://www.wsj.com/articles/senate...6egk1g34p19nlux&reflink=article_copyURL_share
Lol, ok. And You are once again you're lying about me. Prove it by giving examples of me doing this every day, let me save you the headache, you and nobody else could since I don't. You should apologize for blatantly lying about me and what I post. It seems you're the one who's not interested in the truth and like you truly care what any conservative says or believes. Now that's the truth
Agree with you. Stop being a part of the problem and become a part of the solution. Never vote libbie.
When your contributions in every thread are "Derp Derp liberals are bad" just try not to complain about people who's contributions are "Derp Derp Trump is bad." It's not a good look to act like those you despise.
As a two time Trump voter allow me to answer the question in your last paragraph. How I cannot vote for Trump again? I voted for Trump the first time because of the USSC appointments coming up and got what I wanted with conservative appointments with a bonus of RBG hanging on too long causing her spot to become a conservative. The second time I held my nose and voted for him again. Then Jan 6 happened along with his BS actions and comments. For me he became insufferable as he doubled down on his BS. I think he’s a criminal. As to Biden,,, he’s done some things I agree with like supporting Ukraine, infrastructure bill, speaking against hate, etc. Yes, I’m mostly conservative but not to Trumps lying, cheating, standard. I’m not worried about another Biden term as the USSC is conservative and the executive branches can prevent a president from straying too far left. This coming election my wife (who also voted twice for Trump) and I will vote for someone other than Trump or Biden. I’ll write in Micky Mouse before I give that vindictive idiot a chance to drag this country into a further divide. I also think if Trumps elected he will try to cancel the election and name himself president for life. I just despise the guy.