Not Sure Democrats Could Be Any More Evil There is no bottom for Democrats to hit, so if you’ve been waiting for one of them to stand up and express outrage about anything related to any of the damaging policies they push, don’t hold your breath. Murdered Americans at the hands of illegal aliens? Yawn. Random women being punched in the face by thugs and goons on the streets of New York? Whatever. Are Americans unable to fill their gas tanks or afford groceries? Who cares? You morons don’t know how good you’ve got it anyway, ingrates. While not giving a damn about the border, MSNBC can’t ignore it. Even the most dedicated Rachel Maddow zombie knows people are flooding across it. So, the left needs to find a way to talk about something that outrages their base about something other than the dead bodies from illegal alien murders or drug overdoses. What did these sociopaths come up with? Abortion. You might wonder how abortion fits into the border, but that’s only because you’re a sane person. If you really thought about it, you could probably conclude that the issue relates to all the sexual assaults and rapes illegal aliens suffer on the long march north, and you’d be right. But not in the way you think. Nope, MSNBC brought on nepo baby Paola Ramos, daughter of racist Univision “anchor” Jorge Ramos, to lament how illegal alien rape victims have difficulty getting abortion pills once they enter Texas illegally like Border Patrol agents should give it out like gum at an onion-eating contest. Swear to God. This is the mentality of the left and yet we have conservatives that won't vote for Trump because he a bad human according to them, yet they'll put up with another 4 years of this BS
I can't tell what this is about. The author is upset because someone on MSNBC said abortion pills should be available to rape victims? And that means ... the left is OK with people being killed and punched in the face? Flgator2, can you explain this a little or is it just that you found a piece that says something bad about the left?
Hope the OP feels better now that he’s started Easter Sunday by calling people morons, sociopaths and ingrates while likely while dressing for Easter service and thinking he’s a good Christian. Must be terrible to wake up so angry every day.
This is an insanely important issue that is greatly affecting my life. I can understand your crazed anger on this Easter morning. This is all augmented by the fact that this horrific issue is being pushed by a true elected and representative leader of the Democratic party - the daughter of some journalist. As icing on the proverbial cake, I tip my hat to your deep personal aversion to, and outrage at, nepotism. Why I can remember how you were barely able to contain yourself when the laughably unqualified daughter and son-in-law of the former president were given top-secret security clearances.
Well, the women getting punched in the face in NYC are part of an organized effort by incels on 4chan. We know politically how that group lines up. Meanwhile, the OP here is a big fan of the presidential candidate who is going after a judge's daughter hoping that she suffers from political violence and who is also promoting imagery of the president bound and gagged in the back of a Trump flagged pickup truck. Also, the OP is so worried about illegal immigrant murders but believes nothing needs to be done about elementary schools strafed with AR-15 bullets because some Americans have to be able to cosplay as soldiers due to a warped interpretation of 2A. Physician, heal thyself.
No, not at all. Because the real truth (if it’s the truth you are actually interested in) is that both sides of our political aisle have gaping defects that need mending and to spend your life complaining (as you seemingly do by starting the same thread in a different flavor virtually every day) that only one side of the aisle is the problem is akin to whistling past the graveyard while yelling at clouds. And I would say the same thing to anyone on the far left who started their day doing the same thing. I usually try not to post in these troll type threads but since today is Easter the irony of your starting your day off by name calling others intrigued me (and I’m Jewish so I don’t have anywhere to be this morning).
You have to admit, it's funny when they pretend to be upset about random acts of violence and blame democrats, while also being in love with the guy behind massive organized violence.
You have to admit, you and the libbie’s obsession in connecting any and all info, stories to Trump is tiresome. Lame.