I wonder if we'll get a commitment from Trump that he will hardly ever go golfing as president this time around. And will he be as big a liar as he was last time around? Trump apparently golfed on average almost 1.5 times per week as president, spending $150 million on travel and security. Joe Biden Trolls Donald Trump By Using One Of His Favorite Things Against Him
Europe has had two years to step up, and they have failed. The French talk a good game, but they haven't done much more than talk in a really, really long time (like, centuries). They also have a history of showing up to the battlefield ready to fight the last war of several decades ago (not the current war). And there is only so much that France can do at this point. If Ukraine is relying on Europe to step up to help them win this war, then the war is almost certainly lost. Europe would have to commit essentially all of their military hardware and ammunition supplies for Ukraine to have even a small chance of winning. Very unlikely that Europe leaves themselves defenseless. And, no, the U.S. has not "spread itself thin" while supporting Ukraine, with the possible exception of artillery shells. We gave 31 out of 10,000 Abrams tanks (0.3%)--does that sound like we are spreading ourselves thin? We sent 186 Bradley fighting vehicles to Ukraine out of 7,000 that we had (2.7%)--does that sound like we are spreading ourselves too thin? How many Russia- or China- scale conflicts do you think we're going to get involved in? We better start the panic now, since we only have 97.3-99.7% of our nearly outdated equipment available, even though 30-50% of that is in warehouses and needs reconditioning before going into battle. Besides, the equipment we are sending to Ukraine is typically 40+ year-old hardware. That's why it is in storage. If a conflict starts with China, Biden has already committed the U.S. to the fight. So, for the most part, we probably will not be using 40+ year old hardware. We will do much of our fighting with F-35's and submarines. One is a land war for the most part, and the other is an island/water war. If we are sending different weapons to be used in different wars, why would you be concerned about the U.S. being spread too thin? Did you think the Pentagon would run out of desk space?
It's a wonder that the U.S. was able to fight Japan and Germany at the same time and win. I now have an idea of how frustrating is was for FDR to deal with all the people who were convinced that we couldn't possibly win. How far we've fallen from the Greatest Generation, when even a 12-year-old knew the U.S. was going to win when he signed up for duty on the battleship USS South Dakota. We could use more people with Calvin Graham's courage and fortitude. Calvin Graham - Wikipedia
After campaigning that he would be too busy working to golf. Biden returns to Delaware to be with family and go to mass every Sunday so, same.
“It is my great honour,” the former president wrote, “to be at Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach tonight, AWARDS NIGHT, to receive THE CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP TROPHY & THE SENIOR CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP TROPHY. I WON BOTH!”
These kind of delusions alone should be enough to keep him out of power. And shame on Jack Nicklaus who has to know better for being onsite and handing him the two championship plaques.