Transgender visibility day is international and always on 3/31. It's not its fault easter decided to try and steal its day by falling on it this year. Stay mad
This is terrible. Joe Biden just effectively canceled one of the most important Christian holidays. And replaced it with something gay. The War on Easter is (was) a real thing indeed! What's next, outlawing the Easter Rabbit?!
It’s real. I had to look it up myself. A Proclamation on Transgender Day of Visibility, 2024 | The White House
Whoever pegged Easter to the lunar cycle was not in retail or the travel industry or the education industry. That’s for sure.
Nothing to get excited about, and it's odd and a bit hypocritical that you apparently are. Indeed, didn't Jesus say something about loving your neighbor and kindness?
I'm playing trumpet at cathedral for vigil mass tonight and Easter service tomorrow. Will report back about any nefarious transgender activities breaking up the rituals.