America has experienced a "crisis of school absences" since the pandemic. This was not unexpected during the pandemic, but was expected to return to normal after the pandemic subsided. Chronic absenteeism is defined as 18 or more absences in a school year. Before the pandemic, there was about 15% chronic absenteeism. Now the number has shot up to 26% after peaking at 28% during the pandemic. All economic strata of students saw a significant increase, with poor people increasing the most. This may be partly explained by ignorant republicans, led by governors like Ron DeSantis, believing that the majority of the school day consists of LBGTQ indoctrination and pornography. This will likely have a severe effect on the economy in the next few decades, as all of the illiterate republicans fight for a limited number of janitorial jobs (and video game tester jobs) and curse the invention of the Roomba. The U.S. cannot succeed economically without an educated population, and this trend will only increase the likelihood of the U.S. becoming a dictatorship at some point in the future. The answer might be more immigration, if immigrants are more likely to attend school and get an education than American-born dimwits. A Crisis of School Absences
The American right wing is fine with it as most citizens will become lowly paid factory workers after they roll back the industrial revolution.
America is getting dumber because all Democrats and many Republicans wanted open borders. Lower IQ people coming in have a higher birthrate. Fewer people should go to college. Cheap accredited online education makes sense. Credentialism should be ended. Why should you have to go to a commie law school to become a lawyer? Should you have to have a pharmacy degree to sell drugs? We need more vocational training. Electricians and plumbersake good money. All ideas in this post come from Nobel laureate Milton Friedman who could outthink all of you. Your beef is with him, not me, and he's dead.
Exactly. Wasn't it Desantis that fought to keep schools open? Swing and a miss on that one Chemgator. Our system of education was imported from Germany in the late 19th century to create dutiful factory workers. The increase in private schools, charter schools and home schools supports the notion that our current education system isn't one at all. But, it does employ a lot of reliable union workers; so, there's that.
What do you mean by system of education? You claim it was imported, then that it's not a thing. In what way does the privatization mvmt suggest that there is no system of education? I'd agree that there is no monolithic "system of education"; nor should there be. Privates and charters are not helping that to be true, though. To add - I agree with Trickster in wondering what the Repub party has to do with school absences. Probably nothing. The world changed its values & ways of being from the pandemic. Showing up became more optional.
DeSantis has been running a culture war against what is being taught in the schools (as well as whatever is going on at Disney World). There is no question about that. In some schools, you will not find a dictionary, because it is considered too pornographic. There is also no question that many republicans light up like a Christmas tree with anger when you mention LBGTQ, and they fear their children being "exposed" to that topic in school. Trump is also dumbing down the republicans to the point that arrogance counts more than intelligence. Even if you don't have any good answers, you can win an argument just by shouting louder and hurling more insults than your competition. No education needed. And I'm saying all this as a republican. The rapid growth in educational options seems more likely to indicate a very demanding group of parents that can only accept an education system perfectly tailored to what they as individuals want, and since the parents don't all want the same thing, no single school option is going to satisfy them. It doesn't necessarily mean that the public schools are failing. The public schools are not living up to their potential, but that is largely because the kids are so entitled and poorly behaved that teachers, in spite of their low salaries, are willing to give up their teaching career and find less stressful work options. Few teachers are able to work a 35-40 year career teaching anymore. Conclusion: home run.
I don’t like many Republican efforts to degrade the public school system and I think DeSantis education culture war is stupid, but I don’t see any evidence or logic that this has caused kids of republicans to miss class.
I was speculating that it might be part of the problem. I'm sure there are many reasons for this issue. I do have a conservative relative that home schools her kids because she does not want them exposed to ideas that don't mesh with her religious/cultural philosophies. I know, home schooling is not the same as being chronically absent, but a less conscientious parent might react by letting their kid stay at home and play video games. Individualism has been increasing in the U.S. in recent years, and that is something that applies to both parties. I think that is part of the problem as well. Schools are typically based on everyone in the classroom doing the same thing, not everyone doing their own thing, which is disruptive. In extreme cases, a student or a parent deciding that they need to be allowed to do their own thing could lead to truancy.
Lol... please... Leftist's projecting, logic. We will not have any industrial manufacturing with only wind and solar power, want all of the above as far and power generating goes. And without an abundant supply of CHEAP affordable energy we do NOT manufacture much of anything. But of course you already know that... I'm sure. The whole push to renewable energy was never about independence of anything... at least not in manufacturing, and it's the Leftist/Liberals leading us down that path to our manufacturing decline.
Did you also notice something else that happened in the mini-reset caused by the plandemic? I noticed the business as usually was the Dems simply brought trannies to sit down with our children and tell stories... that's right, story time with the trannies. That was NEVER A THING, at least not in Florida, before the plandemic.
Interesting topic. I'd imagine this has much more to do with kids psychology post covid than much of anything else.
Bingo! Not sure why the shift in @chemgator. But clearly misguided. @G8trGr8t is another that has been drastically affected by the propaganda. Really surprised by the shift they have had in politics.
I am confident Florida is far better off than the states that screwed the kids with the least means far more. It was criminal what so many authoritarians did to the kids in this country!