I can’t read it because I won’t sign up, but here’s the Fox taken in it: NBC's ousting of Ronna McDaniel reinforces status as anti-Trump, pro-Biden network
So to be clear: Media outlet hiring former RNC head: Not a Joke Media outlet firing former RNC head: Big Joke I know the so-called legacy media is forever in search of the "reasonable conservative" but the fact they had to scrape the barrel here says more about how finding that is like a snipe hunt.
You said, "as if people even watch". I said that, "I watch". Now you are asking me what my point was? How are you confused by this simple dialogue between us?
Apparently the executives of NBC thought that the network could portray itself as being fair and balanced (I know it's or was the slogan of a certain other network which is neither) by a hiring an election denier to offset their other commentators who have a history of debunking the stolen election myth.
Of course you dwell on semantics instead of the obvious hubris in they are calling themselves "stars."
"'they are calling themselves stars'" Who are they who are calling themselves stars? Can you provide a link and complete quote for your truncated claim?
LMFAO! "Triggered" is a description of a Democrat that screams at the sky because their candidate lost an election. Or when they show their neck veins in anger at the outcome of something they have no power over. Liberals... this one needs help.
Perhaps they do. But your risible response to the question asked of @okeechobee does not provide an answer to the question asked of him.
No flgator2, it does not answer the question asked of okeechobee. It only showcased your penchant to intrusively disagree.
Sometimes you just have to grasp how the world works. This is one legacy media calling other legacy media “stars.” They do this to collectively market themselves as important, relevant. Try walking up to random people on the street and ask them who Chuck Todd is. If you stay out all day, you might get lucky and find one or two who know who he is. Next day, same exercise, only this time instead of Chuck Todd, ask people who LeBron James is. He’s an actual “star.”
Would it not be accurate to state it was Jeremy Barr, author of the Washington Post article linked in your OP, who called the NBC television news personalities objecting to the hiring of Ronna McDaniel "some of the network's biggest stars"? Barr is a reporter, a writer for the WP, but not legacy media as you inaccurately reported in your OP. Your posts containing quotes from other sources would be more clearly understood if you placed quotation marks around any material quoted in your posts.
WaPo has been around forever. Legacy media scratch other legacy media’s back. It’s called marketing 101. I’m sorry that you don’t like I point this out. But there aren’t “stars” at NBC News. That’s a fantasy.