If only our government had some sort of official whose job it was to help protect public health... oh wait
You’re joking but buzzards stomach can destroy anthrax, botulism, cholera, rabies, and many more dangerous diseases including leprosy. However; there was a case in India where they gave cattle some drugs which caused kidney failure and wiped out 90% of India,s vulture population. So scavengers can tolerate nature’s worst but not man’s I’ll attempt at altering nature.
Repeat after me:There is absolutely no correlation or causation regarding the rise of leprosy and immigration according to the CDC. Also according to the CDC: Masks are ineffective err we mean highly effective
No doubt we’ll soon be accosted with “studies” showing that 97% of leprosy hospitalizations are Trumpers.
The current resistance to vaccines is causing massive public health problems Even for premature babies, who are at highest risk for hospitalization and death from these illnesses, counseling parents about the importance of vaccination is an uphill climb. Despite the availability of safe and effective vaccines, measles outbreaks have reemerged in various parts of the country, magnified by factors such as misinformation, complacency and pockets of under-vaccinated populations. Though public health and immunology are sciences rigorously taught in medical school, politicians have replaced professors, fueling public vaccine hesitancy for political gain. A study by the Kaiser Family Foundation found the percentage of Republicans who believe they should decide if their children are vaccinated — even if failing to do so harms other children — more than doubled to 44% in the last five years. ColumnWhat the return of measles really means ColumnWhat the return of measles really means - Tampa Bay Times
That's about what it would take to validate the ridiculous 18 mil valuation the corrupt court used for MAL.
It’s been weeks since this started. I would have thought all our fingers would have fallen off by now.
What are you, a doctor? Lol... Just kidding, but sometimes that phrase seems to be THE "remedy" that a doctor will give you as advice for anything (healthy related) that he can't prescribe a drug for.
I think you have to eat them to catch leprosy from them. I would also avoid kissing them, just in case.
If you read the article, like I know you did, then this is a problem for ALL AMERICANS... Sad that in this day and age we still have to fight biblical times plagues and diseases. I had no idea that it took up to 20 years before people knew they had it. And I had no idea that it causes disfigurement and deformities too. I wonder if we are even trying hard to find a cure and rid us of this disease once and for all.