I don't post over in this forum that often, but thought this might be of interest for those who may have missed it. Agree or disagree......conversation is vital for those interested in fixing things. It's a one hour show with only two 90 minute Chase commercials. That alone is commendable! I've been a News Nation fan from the start and enjoy both "Cuomo" and "Dan Abrams Live" the most.
If 3 of the worst people in America are just talking instead of being in a cage fight to the death, I'm gonna pass
I do have to say that Fredo seems to be much more balanced than the non-stop nonsense he spewed on CNN
Two 90 minute commercials seems a bit excessive to me. What's the gist of this? You're supposed to give us what you think of it when you post in "the cesspool," A.K.A. Too Hot..
Dr Phil may be the worst of the three but it’s hard to get lower than the belly of a snake. How he ever became a popular tv host is beyond me. I am pretty ambivalent towards Oprah but her foisting that cretin on us may be an unforgivable transgression.
Dr. Phil is a mile wide and an inch deep. Is he America's therapist in the same way that Giuliani is America's mayor? smdh
Yes. His popularity prefigures the rise of Trump (we love our fake billionaires and doctors). Dark horse pick for his VP nominee if you're a betting man.
I can appreciate that not everyone wants to listen to certain other folks who make a living by offering their insights. I get that and am 100% OK with it. Hey, it's a free world. To your question Rick.....when I do spend my time doing so....I prefer those who pinpoint things. Pinpoint being the key word. Just tired of hearing so much of one side trying to beat down the other side stuff....without anything substantial. Let's hear some bottom line analysis of some of the current issues we are facing. Now of all 3 in that segment, O'Reilly is the most inclined to throw a spear or two. But at the same time IMHO he seems to cut through a lot and pinpoints what's actually going on and what we're actually dealing with. I'll mention one of the items mentioned in the segment I hadn't thought of. That doing away with the SAT's can actually hurt underprivileged kids. You'll have to watch the video for more clarity on this but it's something I didn't think of and an example of a different viewpoint, if that makes any sense. Hope all is well and appreciate the post!
I'm oblivious? Setting aside your news story.....why do you feel it necessary to attack me? I don't remember ever attacking you or anyone else here. Incredible.
Unfortunately... some people will not even read what others, that they disagree with, post. They either go straight to attack mode or personal insult starting with taking jabs at the website linked... then moving on to other cancel culture tactics ending in more persona insults. In many cases they will placate only to jump you later in the conversation. Not all are like that, but unfortunately there are too many that I have grown to simply ignore... Sad that two way conversations, healthy debates are a dying pastime here, and it's getting worse. However there are some very good Dems that will engage in conversation but too often they simply remain silent until you tickle their brain with a subject that they like. That's a hit and miss around here.
Thanks, Rick. I just didn't understand why someone would do that. Doesn't seem to be any upside. I don't judge anyone on their politics. We seem to all be in the same boat.....and should be supporting each other.....
I think there a word for what people are displaying as a personality and it's not even scientific in nature nor is it even complicated. nihilism /nī′ə-lĭz″əm, nē′-/ noun The doctrine that nothing actually exists or that existence or values are meaningless. Relentless negativity or cynicism suggesting an absence of values or beliefs. "nihilism in postwar art." Political belief or action that advocates or commits violence or terrorism without discernible constructive goals.