Late-stage Roman Empire? The U.S. is still the best country on earth. And, no, it's doubtful that we've peaked. We still have natural resources, we have an educated population (I'm talking about the rest of us here), and we have more political freedoms than almost any other country. We sometimes fight wars through other countries' soldiers BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT OUR WARS TO BEGIN WITH. This is Ukraine's war, and they need to fight it. Giving them weapons does not make the U.S. any less of a country, in spite of your whining. It does make us smarter than the average country.
please just put him on ignore or stop acknowledging him. Your attention is the oxygen that keeps his pathetic little candle from snuffing out.
I'll concede I expect to see a big move on Odesa and Transnistria before the summer is out. Kharkiv would be a bonus, but it's probably secondary to closing off the Black Sea. Kherson proper, as well.
You aren’t seriously planning on going back through the entire thread since January 2022 and quoting your favorites, are you?
Oh, of course, they did. Austria, the Sudetenland, and Polish Corridor also voted to join the Third Reich not long after Hitler put troops in there. I just have no idea why we didn’t honor the will of those people to self-determine as well.
Chemgator thinks Russian sryillery is:t very accurate. Article from 2020: This Russian artillery system is as precise as a sniper rifle
Remains to be seen. You know how military personnel felt after 9/11. Regardless of whether Ukraine had involvement in the Moscow attack, their soldiers might be taking it more personally as of 2 days ago. That's probably the last thing that needed to happen if you're rooting for Russian fatigue and wearing down public sentiment.
That’s it. You’re done. It’s been cute having another Kremlin agent around here for a while. I wish your army as much misfortune as humanly possible in the months to come. May the weeping of Russian widows and orphans become a new national anthem for your people. See you under a new screen name someday.
Are you suggesting that without the invasion, Crimea would've voted to stay part of Ukraine if given a choice? Keeping in mind Crimea had a 90% ethnic Russian population at time of invasion.
So you think the Russian rank-and-file are dumb enough to believe that Ukraine hired ISIS to do this attack of zero military significance? If so, that doesn’t bode well for their ability to suddenly learn combined-arms maneuver, logistics, and other critical skills necessary for this march to Transnistria.
I was going to respond by mocking him, but I thought about it and realized it isn't worth the time. Just blocked him instead.
Nope. But I am coming right out and saying that if someday a majority of Cuban-Americans ever “vote” to take Dade County and the Keys to join Cuba, I’ll find that just as cute and compelling.