This article indicates a combination of comedy and horror in the future for Generation Alpha (children born between 2010 and 2024). Apparently, they are the largest generation in numbers in history (about 27% of the world's current population is an Alpha). They are described as illiterate and feral. They are very much attached to their iPads at an early age. Some tend to blame the parents (mostly millennials); while others blame Covid and remote learning for these issues. Millennials gave birth to 'Generation Alpha.' Are these kids already doomed? (
Us boomers won’t be around much longer. Have to find another generation to blame. lol See you on the other side. Peace out.
Every generation has blasted the generation that came after them (always struck me as odd given who raised who).
Yeah, it's all in the parenting. Or almost all. My older sister has two pairs of grandsons, all 10-14. One pair has been incredibly active with music, sports, even theater. The other seems to have spent much of their lives staring at screens. You only have to look at their eyes to tell which is which. Excited/interested vs. Bored/distracted.
Alphas are getting to the teen years per article. Teens suck in every generation so they are always vilified - partly deserved. But they always figure it out. World gets better every year. Except 2020.
If an adult says they would want to be a teen again, I worry about them. Adolescence has always been hard. Always will be. Even the cool kids are awkward
No offense but boomers are the absolute worst. First generation in our nations history to leave behind a shittier America than the one they were given.
Professor Andrew Huberman, Stanford, has an interesting take on how social media/technology affect the dopamine hits to our brains In short, the human brain is not wired to get so many dopamine hits so fast in such a short period of time. Once used to that level of dopamine everything else pales in comparison. You never get enough, like an addict. .
Absolutely addicts. I've taught 5-12th graders off and on since 2003. The kids whose parents try to limit screen time are different animals than the kids whose parents use screentime to pacify them. Ability to focus, interact with other humans, deal with setbacks, even just the ability to imagine something they haven't seen on a screen. And the reaction when the device gets taken away, wow. I've had kids bare their teeth and snarl. I've had kids just completely shutdown when their dopamine producer was removed. Crazy times.
Sad. And I don’t blame the kids - as you stated you can discern a difference between those whose parents limit their screen time vs those who use it as a babysitter. Pogo was right.
Good point about dopamine. For adults too, I bet. I wonder how most middle-aged adults would react if they were forced to limit their screen time. It'd probably be like trying to pry someone's cigarettes from them.
Yep, devices, social media and their effects are not going away but will likely intensify. You see it in traffic nearly every day. Light turns green and the car in front of you does not move: nimrod looking at their screen.